Europe fast-tracking swine flu vaccine

are you winding me up mate thats the most inflammatory comment i've ever read. it could only come from a delusioned immigrant or a Nazi. how grateful you are for our hospitality? .. oh i see, ur just kidding .. you are talking about the same economy the govt ballsed up? 500 BILLION on this years war budget alone .. out of the mouth of Gordon Brown on question time, you do watch it ? probably not.

most people are worth more dead than alive to these parasites, a good depopulation should fund the war on Iran, Russia and China ;) not that we could ever win it.

Come on english, don't take anything I say too seriously mate. I don't like leaving emoticons at the end of every sentence to show I'm pissing around. Hopefully people just get it.
how grateful you are for our hospitality?

I will wager Munkey has paid much more into the system then most of our 'native' Anglo Saxons.

Make sure I am not included in that 'our' as well.

Back on topic, HERE, HERE and HERE are interesting regarding how the vaccine is created.
PharmTech: Once a vaccine is produced, how can we be sure of its safety and effectiveness? Looking ahead, how do you create (or attempt to create) a vaccine that covers most of the current strains as well as those likely to arise?

Ramachandra: That is a real risk in the flu vaccine business…. During passage from human to human, this virus may lose virulence, adapt to humans and not cause any disease. On the other hand, during serial passages in humans, the virus may gain more virulence and become highly pathogenic. In either instance, the virus retains its original anatomy; therefore, vaccines produced against the original wild type, novel H1N1, will still work against high and low virulent viruses.

Good to know that the vaccine stands a chance in case of mutation.

For other groups it is suggested that countries should decide their own vaccination policies and priority orders depending on country-specific conditions, possibly commencing with pregnant women and anyone aged over six months with one of several chronic medical conditions, followed by healthy young adults between 15 and 49 years of age, healthy children, healthy adults aged 50 to 64 years and healthy adults aged 65 years and above.

Looks like old folks are way at the back of the line. Someone pass them a bottle of water whilst they wait.

Old people built up an immunity to this virus when a similar one did the rounds decades ago.

Swine Flu does not normally kill. What kills are the secondary infections/complications that come with having a non functioning immune system. Youngsters, pregnant mothers, and those that have pre existing medical conditions are top priority.
Haven't you got some decent DW law abiding citizens to get banned, you know the sort .. the ones you don't agree with? Surprised I'm still here tbh.

Would you care to step out from behind your keyboard and explain what you mean by that?
Been reading about this on another forum and this is what it had to say.

Let's not beat around the bush on this issue: The swine flu vaccines now being prepared for mass injection into infants, children, teens and adults have never been tested and won't be tested before the injections begin. In Europe, where flu vaccines are typically tested on hundreds (or thousands) of people before being unleashed on the masses, the European Medicines Agency is allowing companies to skip the testing process entirely.

And yet, amazingly, people are lining up to take the vaccine, absent any safety testing whatsoever. When the National Institutes of Health in the U.S. announced a swine flu vaccine trial beginning in early August, it was inundated with phone calls and emails from people desperate to play the role of human guinea pigs. The power of fear to herd sheeple into vaccine injections is simply amazing...


Notably, there is absolutely no safety data on the use of adjuvants in infants and expectant mothers -- the two groups being most aggressively targeted by the swine flu vaccine pushers. The leads us to the disturbing conclusion that the swine flu vaccine could be a modern medical disaster. It's untested and un-tried. Its ingredients are potentially quite dangerous, and the adjuvants being used in the European vaccines are suspected of causing neurological disorders.

The 10 things:

Ten things you're not supposed to know about the swine flu vaccine

(At least, not by anyone in authority...)

#1 - The vaccine production was "rushed" and the vaccine has never been tested on humans. Do you like to play guinea pig for Big Pharma? If so, line up for your swine flu vaccine this fall...

#2 - Swine flu vaccines contain dangerous adjuvants that cause an inflammatory response in the body. This is why they are suspected of causing autism and other neurological disorders.

#3 - The swine flu vaccine could actually increase your risk of death from swine flu by altering (or suppressing) your immune system response. There is zero evidence that even seasonal flu shots offer any meaningful protection for people who take the jabs. Vaccines are the snake oil of modern medicine.

#4 - Doctors still don't know why the 1976 swine flu vaccines paralyzed so many people. And that means they really have no clue whether the upcoming vaccine might cause the same devastating side effects. (And they're not testing it, either...)

#5 - Even if the swine flu vaccine kills you, the drug companies aren't responsible. The U.S. government has granted drug companies complete immunity against vaccine product liability. Thanks to that blanket immunity, drug companies have no incentive to make safe vaccines, because they only get paid based on quantity, not safety (zero liability).

#6 - No swine flu vaccine works as well as vitamin D to protect you from influenza. That's an inconvenient scientific fact that the U.S. government, the FDA and Big Pharma hope the people never realize.

#7 - Even if the swine flu vaccine actually works, mathematically speaking if everyone else around you gets the vaccine, you don't need one! (Because it can't spread through the population you hang with.) So even if you believe in the vaccine, all you need to do is encourage your friends to go get vaccinated...

#8 - Drug companies are making billions of dollars from the production of swine flu vaccines. That money comes out of your pocket -- even if you don't get the jab -- because it's all paid by the taxpayers.

#9 - When people start dying in larger numbers from the swine flu, rest assured that many of them will be the very people who got the swine flu vaccine. Doctors will explain this away with their typical Big Pharma logic: "The number saved is far greater than the number lost." Of course, the number "saved" is entirely fictional... imaginary... and exists only in their own warped heads.

#10 - The swine flu vaccine centers that will crop up all over the world in the coming months aren't completely useless: They will provide an easy way to identify large groups of really stupid people. (Too bad there isn't some sort of blue dye that we could tag 'em with for future reference...)
English dont take them on, its on telly..... its in the papers...... its on line..... it must be true.
Whos first for their free jab then.....

seriously your going to take a shot of a vaccine that hasnt been fully tested.

Mass Hysteria all over again its like round two i bet all your mates friends and family are all talking about it, ooh swine flu yes little jimmy's got it so as Beryl get a grip.

No no its really bad down/up/over here there dropping like flies.
English dont take them on, its on telly..... its in the papers...... its on line..... it must be true.
Whos first for their free jab then.....

seriously your going to take a shot of a vaccine that hasnt been fully tested.

Mass Hysteria all over again its like round two i bet all your mates friends and family are all talking about it, ooh swine flu yes little jimmy's got it so as Beryl get a grip.

No no its really bad down/up/over here there dropping like flies.

Lol..had to laugh at that.

Me and a mate where talking about that today in work. No way am I taking a vaccine thats had no clinical trials whatsoever.
Read about the depopultion theory before and it could be interesting. Drugs with no trials,no way. This country won't even give out drugs that have been passed safe by other countries until they have been given a UK trial but now expect everyone to have this vaccine with no questions asked.

Don't think so.

Its also been reported that all the vaccine producers are being given immunity from prosecution....yeah right!
Lol..had to laugh at that.

Me and a mate where talking about that today in work. No way am I taking a vaccine thats had no clinical trials whatsoever.
Read about the depopultion theory before and it could be interesting. Drugs with no trials,no way. This country won't even give out drugs that have been passed safe by other countries until they have been given a UK trial but now expect everyone to have this vaccine with no questions asked.

Don't think so.

Its also been reported that all the vaccine producers are being given immunity from prosecution....yeah right!

I know mate but you have to be careful on here theres a few staunch keyboard heroes who believe everything they see on news 24 and read in the times or the express or any other tabloid for that matter is gospel. Some of them even think we have landed on the moon:proud:.

Oh well i suppose i will just wait for the replies of the usual lot.........
I'll take it.

Not to prove you wrong, mind you. Just because, other than the base virus, it's essentially the same formula (including the adjuvants) as the seasonal flu vaccine I've voluntarily had for the past 5 years without any ill effect.

So how old are you LP? do you take the flu jab every year? essentially giving you flu and building up your immune system.
I have never taken the flu jab nor would i. at 37 i cannot remember the last time i was ill or had to take a day off work or medication. I eat well i do enough excercise and look after myself. I just feel every one is getting caught up in some sort of hysteria and jumping on the bandwagon i dont know i may be wrong.
I'm always ill but certainly won't be taking this unofficial vaccine.

Taking Vitamin D is the way to go and say 'no' to the vaccine.

Get it from school and then its a free for all in our house thats all.

Usually me who ends up with it.

School or NWO..not sure who to blame.

Get it from school and then its a free for all in our house thats all.

Usually me who ends up with it.

School or NWO..not sure who to blame.

ahh i see ;) i'm hardly ever ill myself. never had jabs, vaccines, antibiotics except once hmm cattarh lol antibiotics for that one, long long time ago . in my youth you might say
I dont believe there is a global conspiracy going on, but I wont be going for this untested vaccine, the potential side effects (as with any drug) could be far worse than the flu itself.

Add into the equation that the government are considering fast tracking death certificates for swine flu victims [don't bother with autopsy or anything like that, lol] (Doctors to issue 'fast track' death certificates for swine flu - Times Online)

You could end up with a system in place in which people killed by adverse reactions to a vaccine could be logged as swine flu deaths.
Lets face it, if people do start dying due to the vaccines, the drug companies and governments of the world would not want to admit it - they couldnt afford the compensation pay outs ... lol.
Thats why they have been granted immunity. Deny all knowledge.

English mate, if you are still on, can you pm me please, I need to ask you something.
Tell you what mate, I shouldn't really do this on an open forum but can you email me here:
Its genuine btw, I do need to ask you something. I've been using the TOR network for a couple of weeks,maybe thats why you can't pm. Maybe;)
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