How many people share your name in the UK?

My woman has 0.

She is very unique i'll give her that!
18 names for me

There are probably more people killed in yoghurt, cream, marshmallow and fluffy thing accidents each year then there are of you.

my daughter doesnt exist lol
Wow !

"You are unique. You are one with the angry Squirrel. Shout 'I am the unique. I am unified with the badger overlord.' People will run away. That's because they're jealous. JEALOUS.. "

Nice to be one of a kind...............(I think :confused: )
how many of you are using your full name? or are you using just your first and last names,

first and last name loads of them

my full name ei... john robert manhead (not me lol example) i get 0 results so no one in the uk with my name. i dont exist apparently.

our lass has 11 front and last names only,

full name 0 results. she dont exist either,
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well i used my front and last first time and it came up with loads of them but if you look on that page you can veiw websites with your name in, dont know what happened to me but all the others with my name seem to be doctors and pilots and real estate types....
there are 215 ppl wit the name amanda cox but if i had kams surname there is only one,pmsl, time to get married,rofl.
Im one on my own (Billie no mates )seems i'm unique,
The wife keeps saying i'm def a one off so i wonder if she has been on that site.
49 with my married name, hmmm he made me more common :roflmao:

none with my maiden name, so i was quite unique then : multi : : multi :
using just first name and surname, just me, same for the kids, skybabe and my sister as we all have a unique sirname (which makes it easy for debt collectors to find us :()

You are unique. You are one with the angry Squirrel. Shout 'I am the unique. I am unified with the badger overlord.' People will run away. That's because they're jealous. JEALOUS..
3 in the uk, it says; You are as rare as a wombats wingnut