Black Lives Matter


I have spoken
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Oct 6, 2005
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nr.Cov.... pure n*l
The cause was a worthy one but I believe it's going too far now.
There is talk of the Fawlty Towers episode "Don't mention the war" being banned. Gavin and Stacey series for mentioning Chinese Alan and Seth the black fella along with fat shaming.
Where will it end? Remember all those years ago when petitions were raised to try and get the singing of Baa Baa Black Sheep removed from Nursery schools, the rhyme written in the 1700's had nothing to do with race. The celebrating of Xmas was stopped in some schools due to it possibly being offensive to Muslims.
Two well known series, Love Thy Neighbour and Till Death Do Us Part were depicted as being racist. They actually portrayed the ignorance of those who are racist, Alf and Eddie were nearly always proved to be in the wrong.

May as well ban all tv lest someone get's upset and we all go for long walks instead. But then, I have a reasonable tan. Should I stay indoors for fear that some may think I'm trying to impersonate a person of colour? There is already talk against people of colour using creams to lighten their skin ffs and we have Celebrities apologising left,right and centre for comedy sketches they did years ago.
When did this Country get so stupid?

I have every sympathy for the family of George Floyd. But for people to protest worldwide in the middle of a pandemic is fooking stupid to say the least. Isn't the slogan not racial in itself? Replace the word "Black" with "All" and you are deemed as being ignorant towards the cause. Replace it with "White" and there would be outrage. I asked earlier "Where will it end?" I think I already know the answer to that.
The cause was a worthy one but I believe it's going too far now.
There is talk of the Fawlty Towers episode "Don't mention the war" being banned. Gavin and Stacey series for mentioning Chinese Alan and Seth the black fella along with fat shaming.
Where will it end? Remember all those years ago when petitions were raised to try and get the singing of Baa Baa Black Sheep removed from Nursery schools, the rhyme written in the 1700's had nothing to do with race. The celebrating of Xmas was stopped in some schools due to it possibly being offensive to Muslims.
Two well known series, Love Thy Neighbour and Till Death Do Us Part were depicted as being racist. They actually portrayed the ignorance of those who are racist, Alf and Eddie were nearly always proved to be in the wrong.

May as well ban all tv lest someone get's upset and we all go for long walks instead. But then, I have a reasonable tan. Should I stay indoors for fear that some may think I'm trying to impersonate a person of colour? There is already talk against people of colour using creams to lighten their skin ffs and we have Celebrities apologising left,right and centre for comedy sketches they did years ago.
When did this Country get so stupid?

I have every sympathy for the family of George Floyd. But for people to protest worldwide in the middle of a pandemic is fooking stupid to say the least. Isn't the slogan not racial in itself? Replace the word "Black" with "All" and you are deemed as being ignorant towards the cause. Replace it with "White" and there would be outrage. I asked earlier "Where will it end?" I think I already know the answer to that.

You omitted all the statues being pulled down in the UK.

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” (George Orwell).

It was Winston Smith's job in the Ministry of Truth, in 1984, to edit history.
You omitted all the statues being pulled down in the UK.

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” (George Orwell).

It was Winston Smith's job in the Ministry of Truth, in 1984, to edit history.
There's a lot more I could have added to my post but it started to look more of a rant which I wanted to avoid. :)
I wonder if they will remove the TV show goodness gracious me as some of the scenes in that are taking the piss out of white people.
Which I don’t find offensive in the slightest, I actually find it amusing as I do with a lot of comedy. It’s comedy if you find it offensive just don’t watch it but let other people choose to watch what they want ffs.
I know this is sexist but I still find it funny. 🤔

I know this crosses the line but I still can’t help but people will still find it amusing even though what happened to Madelyn McCann is heartbreaking.
As most of you are aware i am very much against any racism, which rears its head in many ways. Not only against different cultures. Older people suffer from it, almost anyone can. But within this new spate of protest i think we need to understand that it is real. There has been lots of cases where police have shown racism. only a few weeks ago another young black person died in police custody. Very little has been said about that case.
Has it gone to far is asked. Well how far is to far when one is fighting for what others just take for granted one wonders.
As to the TV shows. Well i think the first one ever to be banned was;----- Wait for it! The black and white minstrel show. But the very first symbol to be removed because it was offensive was the Golywog on Robinson's jam way way back. Later the black corresponding doll was removed to.
Personally i believe this will just die down and everything will go back to normal as history has shown. That in itself is a very very sad thing to say though. Simply because we are willing to accept that All men are equal, But some are more equal than others. (Not animal farm)
My thoughts
As most of you are aware i am very much against any racism, which rears its head in many ways. Not only against different cultures. Older people suffer from it, almost anyone can. But within this new spate of protest i think we need to understand that it is real. There has been lots of cases where police have shown racism. only a few weeks ago another young black person died in police custody. Very little has been said about that case.
Has it gone to far is asked. Well how far is to far when one is fighting for what others just take for granted one wonders.
As to the TV shows. Well i think the first one ever to be banned was;----- Wait for it! The black and white minstrel show. But the very first symbol to be removed because it was offensive was the Golywog on Robinson's jam way way back. Later the black corresponding doll was removed to.
Personally i believe this will just die down and everything will go back to normal as history has shown. That in itself is a very very sad thing to say though. Simply because we are willing to accept that All men are equal, But some are more equal than others. (Not animal farm)
My thoughts
No one said it wasn't real. It's got to the point though where you can barely say anything without offending some group or other. There are perfectly non-racist people feeling the need to come out and publicly apologise for making up as a black man ffs. Comedy isn't real, if someone finds it offensive go watch something else.No, they complain instead.

As for the protesters, taking the knee is fine by me, the Black Power salute isn't. I'm all for equality but believe they are going the wrong way to achieve it. To stop being a victim you really need to stop playing the victim, not just when it suits.

Your one of the worst on this forum for seeing racism in posts where there is none anyway
No one said it wasn't real. It's got to the point though where you can barely say anything without offending some group or other. There are perfectly non-racist people feeling the need to come out and publicly apologise for making up as a black man ffs. Comedy isn't real, if someone finds it offensive go watch something else.No, they complain instead.

As for the protesters, taking the knee is fine by me, the Black Power salute isn't. I'm all for equality but believe they are going the wrong way to achieve it. To stop being a victim you really need to stop playing the victim, not just when it suits.

Your one of the worst on this forum for seeing racism in posts where there is none anyway

This is the epitome of "whitewashing" (or is that a forbidden word now?).

Church where GH Elliott is buried considers erasing stage persona

I wouldn't be offended at all if a black person pretended to be white.

It's the "useful idiots" driving this.
This is the epitome of "whitewashing" (or is that a forbidden word now?).

Church where GH Elliott is buried considers erasing stage persona

I wouldn't be offended at all if a black person pretended to be white.

It's the "useful idiots" driving this.
The very fact they have had to blank out the word c**n on the photo and I have had to disguise what is immediately obvious to all shows the stupidity of it. It was in a time gone by. We have moved on from there but no, we will be punished for the sins of others.

The use of a word on a gravestone which was deemed harmless at the time, how many people have actually seen it?
Winston Churchill may have had some racist views but he knew that Hitler world dominance and Master race ideology was wrong.
If Hitler had got his way I think we have seen a lot less ethnic minorities and people with certain religious views left on the planet.
All life matters whatever race or religion you are as long as you don’t want harm other humans, then live and let live.
Don’t live in the past but remember the people that gave up their lives so we could live a better life and try and work to make a better future for all man kind.
I ain’t no racist I will help anyone no matter what race or religion there as long as they’re good person I don’t discriminate.
I ain’t no racist I will help anyone no matter their race or religion as long as they’re good person, I don’t discriminate.
Isn't the Black Power salute, the equivalent of the Nazi seig heil?

Slightly off topic but, a few months back, Swansea council banned Chubby Brown from coming to the local theatre, because "unlikely to reflect our values and commitments". He'd been coming there since the 90's. He'd sell out every show, so obviously there was demand for him. Just because a few bell-ends on the council don't approve, doesn't speak for the rest if the town.
Penny Lane signs defaced in Liverpool over slavery claims
Road signs on Penny Lane in Liverpool have been defaced over claims they are linked to slave merchant James Penny.

The markers had the word Penny blacked out and the word racist written above them on Thursday night.

The city's International Slavery Museum said it was not certain whether the street, which was immortalised in a song by The Beatles in 1967, was named after the 18th Century slave merchant.

A spokeswoman said "more research is needed" to clarify the name's origin.

City tour guide Jackie Spencer, who runs Blue Badge Tour Guides, said she was "absolutely livid".
Penny Lane signs defaced over slavery claims
I'm curious as to, how many Whites die in Police custody?

Probably more than black people, due to the population difference between white and black, in the UK, and USA. The levels with each are disproportionate though.

These events are opportunities for activists with ulterior motives (global wealth distribution); the goal of these activists is not equality.

Are any of these BLM activists going to go the Congo, Liberia etc, to campaign against slavery, or black-on-black oppression?
whats wrong with people . history matters good or bad. so anywhere named after someone that did something bad in the passed should be
renamed changed or taken away . what about nelson mandela square.
whats wrong with people . history matters good or bad. so anywhere named after someone that did something bad in the passed should be
renamed changed or taken away . what about nelson mandela square.

Nelson Mandela, and Winnie, orchestrated the bombings of schools. His object of testimony should have been pulled down first.

Noooo, that can't happen because they are black.