Neighbour dispute.


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VIP Member
Feb 9, 2007
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We live in cul de sac of about a dozen houses with neighbours who all get along great with everyone except for one house whose resident who is unable to get along with anyone in our cul de sac. This neighbour has made it his mission to annoy anyone and everyone especially if he realises he getting to you. He will shout abuse at people from an upstairs but stand a little further away so he cannot be seen or filmed by mobiles. Throws eggs at our cars if we react then he calls the police and makes us looks the baddies for harassing him. This been going on for many years and a couple of weeks ago one of neighbours just lost his head and punched in the mouth knocking out one of his teeth. Unfortunately it ended up in court and he is going to be sentenced next week. His wife asked us to write a character reference which we are happy to do but worried that our identity would be revealed in open court and we may end being the focus of this neighbours unwanted attention. Can we request for our identity to be kept secret?
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It's only a character reference, are you giving evidence against this fella?

I don't know if you can request that your details are hidden but it cannot hurt to write that in the reference

Sounds like a right tit
Only 2 choices really, don't give a character reference for fear that the asshole neighbor finds out and continue to bury your head in the sand.
Or, fully support your friend and bugger the consequences. A bit of a no brainer to me tbh.
The majority will win against this idiot but only if you stand up against him together.
Sounds like you might want to start gathering cctv evidence of this bampot...then just go the whole hog and contact nightmare neighbours hehe
Personally I would stay out of it. A character refference will not do that much as he is in court for assault.
Although you would be doing the right thing.
At times you have to back off.

Also I wouldn't expect him to serve time. Usually the victim suffers more than the aggressor.
I see a fine and suspended sentence or a bit of street sweeping for punishment.
Could be wrong..... But usually the out come.
Then what happens if it's him next . Then he will be looking for help . He should stand up in court and tell the judge this guy is doing this . His lawyer could use this to show provocation and a pattern of the guys behaviour
If it was to happen again he "will" do time.
Im NOT saying by not giving character refference is wrong.
If anything it is the right thing to do. But I can not see it making that much of a difference on the conviction.

I would love to explain how the issue would be resolved where I'm from.
But not going to get myself banned.
Do the reference m8 there is enough friendly neighbours there to back you up. Tell them in court that you to are being harassed and you also wish to press charges. Is it a council house? Get your local council involved and they will hopefully give this dick head his marching orders. If all else fails all chip in and send the boys around there for a friendly chat with him. ;)
Thank you all for your all your replies. As river4ever pointed no matter what we do will have very little impact on the eventual impact as the neighbour has pleaded guilty to the offense at the first opportunity so the character reference is purely for sentencing. This general harassment of the neighbour, his wife and family has been happening for almost 10 years and because the neighbour has now moved away. The dickhead tries to goad people into reacting and as soon you do he calls the Police and accuses you of harassment and the Police believe him on every occasion. We have regularly had Police knock on our door for information we explain whats happening but it makes no difference. We are all at loss as to why he does this he a qualified gas fitter so not exactly unintelligent.He spent 18 months inside and is on the sex offenders register permanently. We probably will do the character reference but I expect his solicitor is bound to get a copy of the reference so he will most likely find our identities so that is why you have to wonder if you are doing the right thing when you a have wife and young children.
Personally I would stay out of it. A character refference will not do that much as he is in court for assault.
Although you would be doing the right thing.
At times you have to back off.

Also I wouldn't expect him to serve time. Usually the victim suffers more than the aggressor.
I see a fine and suspended sentence or a bit of street sweeping for punishment.
Could be wrong..... But usually the out come.

This is why they get away with it so long. One neighbour decides enough is enough and chins the idiot, probably long overdue. No-one else has got the balls to stand by him. Shame on them!!!
Secretly glad that he has done it but now he's on his own. I've been there, know what its' like.
I got off with a reprimand and had no further trouble from the near neighbour, not so for some others. They even had the gall to tell me their complaints, was I interested was I f***
Do you mean it is the asshole on the sex offenders register ?
If so I'm sure that a cul de sac "neighbourhood watch" would have seen this asshole behaving inappropriately around some local school children.
In which case you would have a duty to report him, and then a local petition to local council and police stating that you no longer feel safe with this lowlife living in the vicinity.
He spent 18 months inside and is on the sex offenders register permanently. We probably will do the character reference but I expect his solicitor is bound to get a copy of the reference so he will most likely find our identities so that is why you have to wonder if you are doing the right thing when you a have wife and young children.

when you a have wife and young children you don't need a pervert living in the same cul-de-sac. Man up, get together with fellow residents, contact the local council and social services department and get rid of the twat.
Thank you all for your all your replies. As river4ever pointed no matter what we do will have very little impact on the eventual impact as the neighbour has pleaded guilty to the offense at the first opportunity so the character reference is purely for sentencing. This general harassment of the neighbour, his wife and family has been happening for almost 10 years and because the neighbour has now moved away. The dickhead tries to goad people into reacting and as soon you do he calls the Police and accuses you of harassment and the Police believe him on every occasion. We have regularly had Police knock on our door for information we explain whats happening but it makes no difference. We are all at loss as to why he does this he a qualified gas fitter so not exactly unintelligent.He spent 18 months inside and is on the sex offenders register permanently. We probably will do the character reference but I expect his solicitor is bound to get a copy of the reference so he will most likely find our identities so that is why you have to wonder if you are doing the right thing when you a have wife and young children.

Ffs is it @gasman?. :Yikes: : : : spank :
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We are all at loss as to why he does this he a qualified gas fitter so not exactly unintelligent.He spent 18 months inside and is on the sex offenders register permanently.

Being a gas fitter does not mean the Neighbour is intelligent...far from this person still in employment? if they are then it will be interesting to know what they are doing and if still in gas works then which department? if its in-home service then British gas might not even know they are employed due to the way agencys communicate these days...obviously nobody would want an engineer in their home with that type of history for various reasons so do some investigative work bro...
Ffs is it @gasman?. :Yikes: : : : spank :
Apologies to gasman and if you are a member on this forum no offence intended to you or your trade. The dickhead owns his own house and is independent gas engineer so cant really get the council to do anything. As you say the neighbour got pushed so far he exploded in the end the twats wife got it all on her mobile passed it to the old Bill and the neighbour is now going have a criminal record on file. As far as we know the neighbour is not likely to get a custodial sentence as it was a first offense and luckily he runs his own business so unlike some of us who could lose their jobs if we ever had a criminal record.
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Being a homeowner does not diminish the responsibility of your local council and social services department to protect you and your family from convicted sex offenders.
If he is on the sex offenders list permanently, he must of commited a serious or many serious crimes. I would be more concerned about that..
It surprises me that the police are backing a known offender, i doubt i could live next to a beast without aggro.

good on yer neighbour...
Thank you all for your all your replies. As river4ever pointed no matter what we do will have very little impact on the eventual impact as the neighbour has pleaded guilty to the offense at the first opportunity so the character reference is purely for sentencing. This general harassment of the neighbour, his wife and family has been happening for almost 10 years and because the neighbour has now moved away. The dickhead tries to goad people into reacting and as soon you do he calls the Police and accuses you of harassment and the Police believe him on every occasion. We have regularly had Police knock on our door for information we explain whats happening but it makes no difference. We are all at loss as to why he does this he a qualified gas fitter so not exactly unintelligent.He spent 18 months inside and is on the sex offenders register permanently. We probably will do the character reference but I expect his solicitor is bound to get a copy of the reference so he will most likely find our identities so that is why you have to wonder if you are doing the right thing when you a have wife and young children.

That's balls mate I had the same thing done to me i got few people up to court my lawyer brought them in to show the people were scum and had provoked me . I got bound over big deal . Judge agreed I was pushed to it .you Sounds like a few people that lived near me . Want everything sorted butdont want to get your hands dirty . Sorry but you sound like a coward