Sensible Topic You're fat because you eat too much...

I thought it was just the booze.

Statistcally, it costs less to treat the obese, smokers and alcoholics than the elderly. Ergo, McDonalds, cigarettes and alcohol should be available on prescription?

That would save the taxpayers a small fortune - plus, we would all get around Tesco faster ;)
I'm putting on a few pounds and eating things like veinesse whirls (Lemon mmmmm :0) like right now is not helping things either.
I have always been a little chubby, 4/3 years ago would not really class myself as over weight at 14/15 stone (doctors probably would) but for me I played football twice a week and organized it too, always felt quite good!

However on one of those nights I done my cruciate ligament, and have been waiting around 3 years for an operation on the NHS... and now 3 stone heavier the biggest I have been, I can't run or my knee just goes and then I cannot walk for a month correctly... I was doing speed walking at times last year, but that is fecking boring as fook, and the weight loss is minimal.

My problem was I could eat what I wanted as I was quite active... now I am eating what I want but no exercise!

I do feel like its my fault but I also do feel like there is an element that is out of my control!

My Mind lol is very active if my body was as active as my mind I would be an athlete ;)

At the moment I am considering suing Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda, and Morrisons also on my hit list is the local indian restaurant and my favourite mexican......they are ALL to blame for me being about 12lb over my ideal. Barstewards the lot of em I tell ya. Me and my team of no win no fee solicitors are coming after you all.
At the moment I am considering suing Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda, and Morrisons also on my hit list is the local indian restaurant and my favourite mexican......they are ALL to blame for me being about 12lb over my ideal. Barstewards the lot of em I tell ya. Me and my team of no win no fee solicitors are coming after you all.

Good Luck with that! :)

Now, on a more positive note, remember that no-one woke up one morning to discover they had put on a stone or two during the night. It usually happened over a period of time, probably years. You do not need any boring old diets to shed weight just a few minor life-style tweaks.

For example, gradually reduce some things that are not so good (sugary foods, bad fats) and increase some things that are good (water, fruit, vegetables). Slightly reduce portion sizes. Walk more.

Forget weight targets and time deadlines. Job done!
if you could buy will power. i went through a faze for about 4 weeks where i questioned everything i put in my mouth. i lost about half a stone. i wish i could get that mindset back again.:Cheers:
I am losing weight due to a very good "diet" I only have to not eat too much chocolate to lose half a kilo in a day I was 90+kilo and now I am able to maintain a 79kilo average weight with eating one small bar of chocolate a day the diet is not boring we have vegetable curry I have 2 scambled eggs and 2 slices of back bacon for breakfast every day I never ate fish after i was 15 I now eat samon , mackerel, sardines on a regular basis
the magic diet is called HARCOMBE DIET FOR MEN
i am losing wait by having a diet based on vegetables chicken tuna and cactus
i eat junk, and loads of it, crisps, horse burgers from vans on the side of the road, McD for breakfast sometimes, takeaways some nights, chocholate, 2 cans of energy drink for breakfast, 4-20 cans of lager for supper (only 4 on school nights lol), chips, pizzas, garage type food from service stations, pure and total crap, all day, every day, for the last 18 years (or more)

there was a thing on facebook i think, where people were counting how many calories they were taking in in a day, and for about 10 days, i counted the calories on everything, drinks, food, for burger vans etc did a quick generic google, and worked out that i was going through nearly 5000 calories (i think it was, i know it was 2x the normal amount at least) a day

im 6'1", and a massive weight of just under 11 stone

i dont do ANY excersise, i couldnt actually run 300 yards without nearly having a stroke and keeling over lol, but, i walk, and climb A LOT. constant lifting of ladders, that are probably over 1/3 of my body weight, on and off the van, balancing them (youd be surprised at how many people cannot actually move a ladder from A-B cos of the balancing), dragging ladders onto roofs, up one ladder and tipping it over, then pushing it up to the top of the roof, etc

im by no means fit, in fact, joining a gym is something i would like to do, but, im VERY active, both in and out of work, when im not working, a 7 or 8 mile walk in the mountains behind me is no problem (no, not hunting for sheep lol) and will also take ropes etc for abseiling

if i wasnt as active as i am, eating like i do, then no doubt, id be a massive fat coont, but, itd be 100% my own fault lol, but, when im ill, i also dont eat as much, as i know im not as active, and if im really ill, and dont eat at all, then i can drop half a stone in 48 hours, then spend 4 weeks on protein shakes trying to put it back on lol
of course that is the real answer only eat whet you need to power your body for the amount of activity you do I had a similar job carrying ladders and walking sometimes long distances through factory's carrying them from my van to where they were needed and never put any weight on since I was run down by a car I have steadily gained FAT until I started the Harcombe diet for men
since i went back on the taxis i have gained about 2 fooking stone :eek: all on my gut & chest, i am going to diet but its harder to shift when you get to my age (50) , my mate reckons he has a "overactive thyroid" & that's why hes fat, its not really , hes just a lazy fooker & the only thing that's overactive is his knife & fork, im going to start & diet as i need to shift some of this for the summer, my aim is to get down to a "b" cup then i will be fine
I recommend the Harcombe diet for men I am 67 and was 66 when I lost a stone in 6 weeks without starving and it is not a boring diet mate reckons he has a "overactive thyroid" & that's why hes fat, its not really , hes just a lazy fooker

Lol, people with overactive thyroids are rake thin. An underactive thyroid is what causes weight gain.
I've told so many people that they are fat simply because they eat too much or they eat crap too regularly. Depending on the person, I'll either tell them politely or just bluntly, but I'll do my damn best to make sure they they realise it and that if they do want to lose weight they need to change instead of thinking they can buy diet cokes and reduced fat foods.