Super hub do's and don't


Global Moderator
Staff member
Aug 12, 2003
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Black Country
Ok chaps

Some of you have been using these for a while, well mine is coming Wednesday, set up pI have at moment ng2010 all in one router/modem with my old virgin router plugged into port one just so my daughters i pod get internet axcess it's also set up with home plugs one in router and 2 home plugs in pc,s and dm800se.

Will it just be a matter of pluging everything in and away I got or will I have to mess with,or will everything run fine for word go.
just set you "superhub" as modem only.... :cool:
i still get have a problem with my 500s clone box.

i have to disconnect the hub from the box on powerup,
if i dont then the box freezes on the plijade splash screen..

can't fookin understand it.. lol
i still get have a problem with my 500s clone box.

i have to disconnect the hub from the box on powerup,
if i dont then the box freezes on the plijade splash screen..

can't fookin understand it.. lol

strange, sounds like the web interface on the box isn't working or something, I've never heard/seen this in all the equipment I've seen at a friends house.

What happens to the dream, does it just hang until un-plugged, have you checked the cable isn't shorting, pins on the Ethernet etc/ back of box and that?
basically it hangs on the pli splashscreen and thats it lol.

i have to umplug power , then unplug ethernet cable and reconnect power.
once the box gets past the splash screen i can reconnect ethernet cable and it works perfect lol.

only does it with the superhub,
didn't do it with my old modem/router setup and doesnt do it if i connect box via a wireless bridge to neighbours wifi? (only do that for testing purposes with full consent of neighbour) ;)
what's your set up mate?

So virmin super hub you said you had that, to what? are you using a router as well...
just using the superhub now,
i was gonna put it on modem only and use my own router with it.

shouldn't have to though, fookin thing should work lol
most people l know use then as modem only because of port forwarding problems
i still get have a problem with my 500s clone box.

i have to disconnect the hub from the box on powerup,
if i dont then the box freezes on the plijade splash screen..

can't fookin understand it.. lol
Used to have a dm800 that did this but was with a netgear 614v9, worked fine with the hub.
at last!
someone else who has had this problem,....

so i am not going mad then lol
Nope :)
I used to sit there watching that line go half way on the lcd, then it would stop. Fifteen minutes later it would be in the same postion, so i had to boot it up without the ethernet cable in, then once it had got past the half way point i'd stick it back in. Worked every time lol.
i'd love to get my hands on it and have a look to see what's going on, I can't work it out in my head as too why, so the box when connected to the super hub and it's in modem/router mode the dreambox will then not boot. it's all most as though it's waiting for "the go ahead" from the super hub to start up. well strange.
i would need to send you my hub and box dibbers lol.

can u check anything remotely by using team viewer or anything like that?
i'd love to get my hands on it and have a look to see what's going on, I can't work it out in my head as too why, so the box when connected to the super hub and it's in modem/router mode the dreambox will then not boot. it's all most as though it's waiting for "the go ahead" from the super hub to start up. well strange.

Maybe some of the auto-negotiation isn't completing and the box is waiting for it. Or MDI-MDI-X auto crossover might be playing a part, try straight and crossover cables.
don't thtink i have any crossover cables.

if i log into the hub/ connected deivices, the box shows as being connected...

if i use the box, same ethernet lead connected to a differnt router then it works straight off....
Could you just leave a switch that works between the Superhub and box?
Maybe some of the auto-negotiation isn't completing and the box is waiting for it. Or MDI-MDI-X auto crossover might be playing a part, try straight and crossover cables.

yeah it's all most as though it's waiting for it via the dreams web interface....

have you tried adding the dreambox to the DMZ - (all though I have a feeling that it's nothing to do with the ports rather something to do with the dream 500 and what it does when it powers up with the web interface etc.)
what's DMZ? lol

its not that much of a hassle really, more an annoyiance than anything else lol

my six year old now knows how to get it working and download the epg all by himself lol.

when powering up normally,
the box shows the pli splashscreen, then goes screen goes black, then splashscreen flashes up for a second then jumps to a channel. (music channel for some reason)

with the hub it gets stuck at first splashscrren, so whatever goes on when the screen goes black for a second isn't happening.

it is as if the box is waiting for summit...

can u set which channel the box jumps to on startup?
maybe if i picked a freeview channel, would that make a diffrence?