Racism on site

gotta get to page 30 as exo's will come back again.
I'm up at 4:30 in the morning working bloody miles away, hopefully will get a chance to get on again tomorrow, can't believe 240+ posts 95% are complete crap
I love the rant room.
I trust you used 'English' bog roll? You know the sort...colour in while you sh*te???


'Colour' is a generic term for a change of hue or variation of light reflection in a multiplicity of wavelengths...
gotta get to page 30 as exo's will come back again.
I'm up at 4:30 in the morning working bloody miles away, hopefully will get a chance to get on again tomorrow, can't believe 240+ posts 95% are complete crap
I love the rant room.

I've not read any, I just stuck my nose in now and again and saw the trigger word.

You don't know how many years I've been waiting to post the Godwin link :)
Pissing boring now lol have to watch what I say you all should be in politics look get some bollocks and get a life there ****ing jokes they what people am saying FFs if it's that bad pm me and I'll send the JOkES that way lol
Pissing boring now lol have to watch what I say you all should be in politics look get some bollocks and get a life there ****ing jokes they what people am saying FFs if it's that bad pm me and I'll send the JOkES that way lol


Pissing boring now lol have to watch what I say you all should be in politics look get some bollocks and get a life there ****ing jokes they what people am saying FFs if it's that bad pm me and I'll send the JOkES that way lol

You just posted a joke I hadn't heard and actually liked, I think thats 2 now.
keep going but put them in the adult room.

@tawke wonder how long I will have to wait to use it.
I trust you used 'English' bog roll? You know the sort...colour in while you sh*te???


'Colour' is a generic term for a change of hue or variation of light reflection in a multiplicity of wavelengths...
Is your shit white then mate? :err:
:err:Hang on, where's emarald got to?

I am just reading, everything that I would have said has already been said, all I would like to add is, If you and your buddies don't like it here, no one forces you to stay.
There are plenty of other forums that would welcome you with open arms.

P.S May I be the first to say goodbye
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I am just reading, everything that I would have said has already been said, all I would like to add is, If you and your buddies don't like it here, no one forces you to stay.
There are plenty of other forums that would welcome you with open arms.

P.S May I be the first to say goodbye

That's better. Order has been restored.

Sorry emarald. I've been here a very long time.

Admittedly it used to be a much more pleasant place, but there are still a lot of good people here, and I live in hope that things will improve.
I read some of the jokes and the only thing I find is the unoriginality of some, being straight copy/paste jobs from sikipedia. I do wonder how funny some people really are.

For the benefit of some younger people, some terms (and you can check the dictionaries/wikipedia) like Paki, Taffy, limey, Yank, Chink, Jap etc. are and have always been used as derogatory terms and not mere shortening of the place of origin.

Scot on the other hand has not and if you ask the Royal Scots Guards I'm sure they will be quite proud of their name, or descendants of the British 9th (Scottish) Division from World War 1, better known and The Jocks.

At the end of the day if you can't take a joke, or you don't like racism/sexism/ageism/heightism/or any other ism, don't read it, that's the beauty of the internet (or supposed to be) freedom of speech. I'm sure that there is no-one with a gun pointed at your head forcing you to read stuff you don't want to.
ok, so which one of these is the MOST racist / offensive, and why?

get a life you welsh twat lol
get a life you taffy twat lol
get a life you pakistani twat lol
get a life you paki twat lol

welsh = welsh person
pakistani = pakistani persin
paki = shortened version of the above
taffy = Taffy was a Welshman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

do you see hundreds of welsh members jumping on threads?

if you purposly omits one type of joke because of the race of person the joke is about, then surely thats racist? as you are singling out that single race PURELY BASED upon their race?

i think abu's post highlights something that not many people will openly say, but i did

what is so wrong with people from pakistan, that anyone else from the middle east find it so offensive ot be caled a pakistani?

i used to have a really strong cardiffian accent when i first moved to the welsh valley where i am now, and the kids used to call me a scouser (fcuk knows, lol), ive had a spanish person ask me what part of australia im from, when in florida someone thought i was irish, but was i screaming 'racist'


because im civilised, and have common sense, i actually spoke and said 'im actually from wales in the UK' and felt not the slightest bit offended in any way

now india and pakistan are as close as wales and england, yet if anyone in the civilised world asks an indian if hes a pakistani, all hell breaks loose, but if someone asks a welshman if hes english, theres nothing more said

SOMEONE has a massive problem, and its not westerners

20 pages later, and im still waiting for those who get offended by shortening the word pakistani to paki to answer the 2 genuine questions that i posted

or will nobody answer the first one, as they KNOW the most racist remark there is the taffy one, and nobody will answer the second one as they dont want to be called a racist for saying that the rest of the middle east hates pakistanis?
That's better. Order has been restored.

Sorry emarald. I've been here a very long time.

Admittedly it used to be a much more pleasant place, but there are still a lot of good people here, and I live in hope that things will improve.

Then stop moaning
Then stop moaning

I didn't start this thread. I contributed to it, as did many others, and expressed a point of view.

This is a forum, that's what people do on forums.

If you don't agree with the format. Why are you here?