any news on the 8 teams that are developing new images ?

I don't think it's anything to do with money either.

Using pli code you can do any dreambox and the vu+ box. The base for pli is from the tuxbox boys who do the dbox2, most dreams and they are currently working on the coolstream box so as digi says 98% of the work is already done (it was 95% with the cable but with sat we don't need to modify for the uk market).

The tm800 is a brave step forward by tm and given the time they will iron out the problems.
I would think then they will release more boxes with different features/additions once they have things sorted and then imo they will take a large % of the market.

I'm happy with my box but I like something to tinker with and this box doesn't give me the access I want :(

I dont really undersand what your point is as UR team is also trying to use PLI code to create an image or have I got this wrong.

Why is it a brave step by TM I just do not understand.

What would you like to tinker with exactly and can it be tinkered with on othere boxes as Digi has mentioned mainly on enigma boxes its only the superficial and cosmetic you can work on drivers & core proceses are closed source and need to be sorted by the manufacturer.
Being a proud owner of a VU+ Duo as well as a TM800 I would love to see the ViX image on the TM800 as the VU+ Duo runs superbly on that image and the overall quality is awesome.

The TM800 is far from becoming a door stop for me yet, so with the recent improvements from TM I am hoping others will join and make this Box as successful as others (inc VU+ Duo) and come that time I will consider my money on the TM800 spent well (saying that it has served it's purpose for me in the past months so far).
Broadloom manufacturer of CPU for DM and vu+ has done over 90% of drivers and core contractions
if a builder architecture build foundation of a building with example 20 floors ask decorators to design and do what they like to change colours in each floor or size of windows colours of curtains {I call this decorating then building foundations}
so most of DM images are decorated or added few extra application functioned like adding extra window in one of the flats .
Broadloom has decoded their core by over 60% rest is this 60% 90% of problems are fixed by broad come not developers .
if any new names like vudu+ or other brands name using broadcome chip just using core image of broadcome and applying their Owen
application and modifying as like decorating a flat or a room .
as vu+ has been prised for there stability because of broadloom chip ,if vu+ use another chip they would had same result as TM
but they used bradcom chip as it was ready on the plate.Too easy,,,,,
anybody can do that ..that is not a brave move it simply called cloning in different way,
ok is working but remember its easy way as broadcome fix all the problems years ago.
is it time that TM should be prised for their risk taking by going to unknown using a chip that nobody has used and investing millions .
I think hobby should be challenging like any race or any sport.if we all choose easy way will be called FUN or boraom
I like challenge not laziness and go to the shop buy it and that's no no .hobby is to carry on have fun new venture new challenge
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I dont really undersand what your point is as UR team is also trying to use PLI code to create an image or have I got this wrong.
You have it wrong Enigma 2 is the running application under linux not the operating system, All linux running systems are under the gpl and should supply the base code except for proprietary drivers as do the tuxbox boys and pli.
Why is it a brave step by TM I just do not understand.
Because they have not just followed other manufacturers and are pushing forward with different hardware. They are putting the reputation on the line. The cost of the jtag alone must be horrendous.
What would you like to tinker with exactly and can it be tinkered with on othere boxes as Digi has mentioned mainly on enigma boxes its only the superficial and cosmetic you can work on drivers & core proceses are closed source and need to be sorted by the manufacturer.

Asking what I would like to tinker with is pretty useless unless you would understand the answer.

Other linux files can be tinkered with on other boxes, enigma is just the program linux is the operating system.

I don't expect access to proprietary code but I expect access to the core linux files and we don't have this access.

@dr linux your block of flats analogy is a very good one but I like the decoration as it is I want to play with the electrics, gas and the plumbing. I don't want to go before the meter but I want access to what is in my flat.
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point 1 I dont remember saying anything about linux or enigma2 and the fact that UR team is using open PLI as a base for there image was taken from this forum. If UR are not using open PLI I stand corrected.

point 2 brave or foolish as a business we will only know this in a year or so really.

point 3 I now understand your original statment thanks for making this clearer.
point 1 I dont remember saying anything about linux or enigma2 and the fact that UR team is using open PLI as a base for there image was taken from this forum. If UR are not using open PLI I stand corrected.


They are using enigma2 which is from pli

Enigma2 is the program to watch tv a bit like say notepad to write files.

Linux is the operating system like windows on your computer. With other boxes I have always had access to a large number of the linux base files, with this one I can't even edit busybox.

For most things the enigma2 code is sufficient but I like to break my box properly :)
Broadloom manufacturer of CPU for DM and vu+ has done over 90% of drivers and core contractions
if a builder architecture build foundation of a building with example 20 floors ask decorators to design and do what they like to change colours in each floor or size of windows colours of curtains {I call this decorating then building foundations}
so most of DM images are decorated or added few extra application functioned like adding extra window in one of the flats .
Broadloom has decoded their core by over 60% rest is this 60% 90% of problems are fixed by broad come not developers .
if any new names like vudu+ or other brands name using broadcome chip just using core image of broadcome and applying their Owen
application and modifying as like decorating a flat or a room .
as vu+ has been prised for there stability because of broadloom chip ,if vu+ use another chip they would had same result as TM
but they used bradcom chip as it was ready on the plate.Too easy,,,,,
anybody can do that ..that is not a brave move it simply called cloning in different way,
ok is working but remember its easy way as broadcome fix all the problems years ago.
is it time that TM should be prised for their risk taking by going to unknown using a chip that nobody has used and investing millions .
I think hobby should be challenging like any race or any sport.if we all choose easy way will be called FUN or boraom
I like challenge not laziness and go to the shop buy it and that's no no .hobby is to carry on have fun new venture new challenge

Yes..but end users should not 250 quid + 50 quid for Wifi + send reciever back for JTAG just to be " Free BETA testers" for TM/UR TEAM images...they should never released the reciever without having the majority of base features and drivers working as described...The world cup was just too big of a cash cow for them...

They would not have got half the abuse and bad rep had they properly researched, tested and developed their's been a badly handled project...
Yes..but end users should not 250 quid + 50 quid for Wifi + send reciever back for JTAG just to be " Free BETA testers" for TM/UR TEAM images...they should never released the reciever without having the majority of base features and drivers working as described...The world cup was just too big of a cash cow for them...

They would not have got half the abuse and bad rep had they properly researched, tested and developed their's been a badly handled project...

maybe thats true but the rest of you post is speculation
Yes..but end users should not 250 quid + 50 quid for Wifi + send reciever back for JTAG just to be " Free BETA testers" for TM/UR TEAM images...they should never released the reciever without having the majority of base features and drivers working as described...The world cup was just too big of a cash cow for them...

i paid nearly £400 for a DM800 within weeks of them being released, and it was a nightmare, if i walked into the room, it green screened, but, over time, its gotten better, as the TM800 has been doing in the 6 months since its release

the £50 Wifi is an OPTIONAL extra

for months, end users have had the option of a full refund if they feel that they have been mis sold the receiver, but nobody takes it

if i was as unhappy with something as some users who post about their receiver, id be getting a refund faster than you could imagine, you must like something about it to keep it, unless its just the idea that in 12 months time, if it becomes one hell of a receiver, you can turn round and say 'yeh, i was one of the very first to own one' but remember to put in brackets 'and slated it at every opportunity given, but wouldnt return it for the offered refund'

linux receivers will NEVER be complete, theres always something more that it can do, thats why i got bored with my dm800, it worked. the TM800 is a challenge, and i get the chance to learn along the way, as the source is available to everyone. when UR update something, the log shows EXACTLY what was updated

once the TM800 is working and stable, ill get rid of it, and move on to the next linux based 'new' receiver that has 'issues' as thats what i enjoy about this 'hobby'

everything evolves
If i remember correctly gsmtech does not own a tm800hd so he don't need a refund.

Just likes to moan about it lol :)
back to the point lads - does anyone know that another team other than the UR team is working on an image release - surley someone in the know knows something about another team working on the box ??
there are 2 teams other than UR that i know of that are DEFINATLEY working on releasing an image, others have been approached, and may be working on things, but personally, i know of 2 outside of UR
there are 2 teams other than UR that i know of that are DEFINATLEY working on releasing an image, others have been approached, and may be working on things, but personally, i know of 2 outside of UR

Why is it a secret digi?
i never said it was a secret m8 :)

i personally know of about 9 teams that have been approached, out of those 9, i know of 2 who are 100% working on the code as ive spoken with them on the phone, 3 others ive 'heard' are working on the code, 3 have shown interest and one ive not heard nothing about, but none of that means anything at all

i wont disclose the names of any of the teams ive heard from, or heard about, not even in PM, if the teams decide to go public, thats up to them

but there ARE other teams looking at the TM800 as well as UR team :)
i never said it was a secret m8 :)

i personally know of about 9 teams that have been approached, out of those 9, i know of 2 who are 100% working on the code as ive spoken with them on the phone, 3 others ive 'heard' are working on the code, 3 have shown interest and one ive not heard nothing about, but none of that means anything at all

i wont disclose the names of any of the teams ive heard from, or heard about, not even in PM, if the teams decide to go public, thats up to them

but there ARE other teams looking at the TM800 as well as UR team :)

Well hush hush then :) Either way jo public have no idea who is working on it.

Not that it matters to me my tm is lost in the chaos somewere.
Well hush hush then :) Either way jo public have no idea who is working on it.

Not that it matters to me my tm is lost in the chaos somewere.

ive worked with joe public for nearly 20 years m8, and one thing ive learned, is theyre a pain in the arse when they only have half the story lol.

if i was to say that team was working on an image for the TM800, google would index it, people from DW would spread the word that was creating an image, and in 48 hours time, would have god knows how many messages asking:

when will the image be released
hundreds asking : 'will it include.....this?'
hundreds more asking 'can it include......this'
more asking 'can i be a tester'
more asking 'can i have a free box to be a tester'
some asking 'can i join the team'
more asking 'when will it be released'

and this is why no teams disclose what theyre doing, o9r when they hope to have it done by, well, there is one team, but theyre the only ones i know of ;) lol

just for a laugh, i could even suggest that the sp!derbox team are going to release an image, and see how many people actually read what ive posted before either replying or going over there and asking about it, then getting banned, theyre not and never would, as its linux based

some teams may even work on it for a while, then decide they dont want to release anything,
i paid nearly £400 for a DM800 within weeks of them being released, and it was a nightmare, if i walked into the room, it green screened, but, over time, its gotten better, as the TM800 has been doing in the 6 months since its release

the £50 Wifi is an OPTIONAL extra

for months, end users have had the option of a full refund if they feel that they have been mis sold the receiver, but nobody takes it

if i was as unhappy with something as some users who post about their receiver, id be getting a refund faster than you could imagine, you must like something about it to keep it, unless its just the idea that in 12 months time, if it becomes one hell of a receiver, you can turn round and say 'yeh, i was one of the very first to own one' but remember to put in brackets 'and slated it at every opportunity given, but wouldnt return it for the offered refund'

linux receivers will NEVER be complete, theres always something more that it can do, thats why i got bored with my dm800, it worked. the TM800 is a challenge, and i get the chance to learn along the way, as the source is available to everyone. when UR update something, the log shows EXACTLY what was updated

once the TM800 is working and stable, ill get rid of it, and move on to the next linux based 'new' receiver that has 'issues' as thats what i enjoy about this 'hobby'

everything evolves

Opposite to me then, I would look into buying a TM800HD if it was stable and did what it says on the box.

Hopefully it gets to this stage in the next few months...there definitely needs to be some competition in the Linux reciever arena...other than DM original/clones and VU SOLO/DUO...nothing else is really up there at the minute.

Outside bets...are are AZBOX or maybe TM, with Openbox/solomend/skybox at the no frills end of the market.
Opposite to me then, I would look into buying a TM800HD if it was stable and did what it says on the box.

if you want something stable and does what it says on the box, a linux receiver AINT what you want lol ;)

my first DM500 nearly led to divorce, after 6 months i packed up the lot and sold it, after my divorce i bought another one as i had some free time lol, and its been my 'hobby' since

if you want something that works as its described to work, 99% of the time, get an official sly or virmin subscription, if you want something that works as its meant to 99.5% of the time, get a freeview box

any other satellite receiver, especially a linux based one, will NEVER live up to its expectations, EVER

ive tried for 4 years to get a skin as user friendly as the sky UK EPG, its not going to happen. official receivers are built around the software, linux receivers are programmed around the hardware, and if the hardware is new, itll take a while to work out the programming (7 year old DM500 audio level bug anyone ;)? also available in every flavour of its clones)

if you are so interested in getting a receiver, and ensuring the stability of the images for everyone involved, why not download the source code, and fix any bugs you find, for the better of the whole TM800 community? that way, by the time you own one, it should be a market leader in the never finished linux receiver market ;)
Yes..but end users should not 250 quid + 50 quid for Wifi + send reciever back for JTAG just to be " Free BETA testers" for TM/UR TEAM images...they should never released the reciever without having the majority of base features and drivers working as described...The world cup was just too big of a cash cow for them...

They would not have got half the abuse and bad rep had they properly researched, tested and developed their's been a badly handled project...

The way I remember it everyone was demanding the box and saying they will wait for the bugs to be ironed out. Technomate released early after customer pressure to do so.

For me the box works fine, excellent picture and sound quality, my only gripes are will only play .ts files at the moment and not enough access to the code but if you want to watch tv the box is well upto scratch as it is.
if you want something stable and does what it says on the box, a linux receiver AINT what you want lol ;)

my first DM500 nearly led to divorce, after 6 months i packed up the lot and sold it, after my divorce i bought another one as i had some free time lol, and its been my 'hobby' since

if you want something that works as its described to work, 99% of the time, get an official sly or virmin subscription, if you want something that works as its meant to 99.5% of the time, get a freeview box

any other satellite receiver, especially a linux based one, will NEVER live up to its expectations, EVER

ive tried for 4 years to get a skin as user friendly as the sky UK EPG, its not going to happen. official receivers are built around the software, linux receivers are programmed around the hardware, and if the hardware is new, itll take a while to work out the programming (7 year old DM500 audio level bug anyone ;)? also available in every flavour of its clones)

if you are so interested in getting a receiver, and ensuring the stability of the images for everyone involved, why not download the source code, and fix any bugs you find, for the better of the whole TM800 community? that way, by the time you own one, it should be a market leader in the never finished linux receiver market ;)

Nahh...I own DM500 and 800HD clones, also used to have a 600 clone...all are very stable. Non-Linux are not worth it, I like swapping between images and plugins.

But the basic stuff still needs to work well so you can use the advertised features...a few minor un-noticable issues dont really matter.
You dont get the flexibility to play around with different images, plugins etc on non linux boxes.

I dont have the time or knowledge to mess around with source code, I dont think as end user you should have to do this...the manufacturer should ensure sufficient devleopment teams have provided the relevant terms of DM thats Gemini, PLI, EDG Nemesis, DreamElite etc....

You wouldnt buy a car if you expected to make it work yourself...yeh you can customise it by swapping the alloys, stereo interior exterior mods etc...but the core engine, turbo, running gear..should work as advertised when you buy it...

I've never had to mess around much with any DreamElite image on the 800HD simple as flashing it, installing relevant CAMS, EPG Plugins etc...and it just player, WIFI USB, PVR, Timeshift etc, all ready to go...

Same with the OpenPLI images i've used with 500 and 600 clones...Linux reciever does not mean you you should be expected to use a half crippled reciever with bas advertised features not working as intended...Maybe it's the case for TM Linux recievers...not so for other recievers...