Snow Watch 2010

Google weather is telling me it's -11 but my cars digital thermometer is telling me it's -17.

I believe my car, it's incredibly cold out there tonight.
So you had 8 inches during the night ? :Clap:

lmao :)

lol the garden did, not me ;)

got stuck in the snow this morning, went around to a friends house and we ended up having to dig the car out after it was parked for about two hours

walked to the pub and shops this afternoon, dont plan on leaving the house again until monday lol
Snowing hard here in oldham for the past hour.. just stopped but the sky is full of the stuff.. just gained an extra inch :D.. and the roads are rotten.. at least i didnt have to defrost the car before i could come home from work :D
snow all turning to slush here, with a couple of inches of ice underneath, roads and paths are lethal. is quite sunny so hopefully a lot of it will melt today and not refreeze.

cleared the driveway and the path in front of the house, certainly warms you up! lol
Mostly melted here and temps around 2-4°C but the ground is icy and very slippery in the shadows.
An absolute nightmare this morning in Falkirk. 3 Buses stuck on the road in the same lane. Had to get out and walk to work.

I know, imagine 3 buses on the same road!!!

Snow is very heavy now.