Starting at the gym


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VIP Member
Aug 24, 2003
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After years of putting weight on and on I decided it was time to get active and fit again. Today I went and signed up to my leisure center and swimming pool.

I go for my induction on Friday PM.

They have some new system where you have a plastic fob type thing you put in each of the machines and it automatically sets the program for you.

Being over 17 stone I have a healthy appetite but have been drawn into a lifestyle of no exercise since I passed my driving test.

Let's hope I can lose some weight. I am going to do hopefully Mon to Fri 7am - 8am and maybe the weekend too, but not sure yet.
Good luck mate :)

It's tough works starting back at the gym, those key fobs are slowly being introduced to our local gyms, they look quite good, AFAIK they track all your workouts etc, kinda like an electronic persnal trainer.
I hate machines old school weight lifting with bells and bar is the way to go with swimming once a week for endurance.

17 stone is a good weight buy some deca and do some loose weights you want to turn that fat into muscle dont diet and loose all that good bulk get straight into building muscles from brussels.
I hate machines old school weight lifting with bells and bar is the way to go with swimming once a week for endurance.

17 stone is a good weight buy some deca and do some loose weights you want to turn that fat into muscle dont diet and loose all that good bulk get straight into building muscles from brussels.

u cant turn fat into muscle bud..u need to lose the fat and build the muscle. by that you'll need to up your protein intake for the muscle and hit cardio for losin the weights are the best although some machines are handy
I am going to do hopefully Mon to Fri 7am - 8am and maybe the weekend too, but not sure yet.

Well done for making a lifestyle change.

Vary up your daily sessions so it doesn't get boring and turn into a chore - swim, gym, spin cycle etc.

And take advantage of any free knowledge that you can grab at your gym... e.g. if you see the gym instructor guy/girl standing around looking bored, ask if they'll give you a bit of training advice or do some partner exercises with you.

buy some deca...

Each to their own but I'd advise you to spend your cash on filling your kitchen with good, clean, natural healthy foods and not on buying Nandrolone or anything like that. Just my personal opinion though- like I said, each to their own.
Good luck. It's hard at first, but well worth it. Don't give up and usually others in the gym (whatever their weight) are keen to help or encourage you.
Well done for taking the first step.
Each to their own but I'd advise you to spend your cash on filling your kitchen with good, clean, natural healthy foods and not on buying Nandrolone or anything like that. Just my personal opinion though- like I said, each to their own.

as he pointed out there..fill your kitchen well instead off buyin supps. things like protein shakes are good but all else id miss..ive spent the last 2 year buyin this and that and believe me ive spent alot and in the long run i was just aswell threwin the money away..i now stick to protein shakes..i use an all in one for after a workout and a protein blend for when i cant get something to eat..the protein blend is slow releasing protein so its better for ya say in the mornin and one before u go to bed..but at the same time if u can eat the protein in meals id stick to that cause its the best way
fill your kitchen well instead off buyin supps. things like protein shakes are good but all else id miss...

Exactly mate. I see so many guys at gyms get so caught up with taking this pill, that powder and whatever shake, that they actually forget about good old fashioned FOOD!
I hate machines old school weight lifting with bells and bar is the way to go with swimming once a week for endurance.

17 stone is a good weight buy some deca and do some loose weights you want to turn that fat into muscle dont diet and loose all that good bulk get straight into building muscles from brussels.

and you dont want to be using deca or any other steroid untill you bring your body fat right down . unless you want a pair of gyno bitch tits
eph and deca are a good mix .. the eph burns fat as u build with the deca or pure ephedrine
eph and deca are a good mix .. the eph burns fat as u build with the deca or pure ephedrine

m8 you just dont use steroids full stop untill you got a decent body fat % its nuts . your aasking for trouble high bloody pressure the lot . these aint miricle drugs you got to put the effort in . and if he was using anything with deca it should be test maybe some dbol . but not at the moment maybe after 2 years of hard work first .. even then your diet has to be right , no drink cut out the fast foods plenty protein some carbs . .
m8 you just dont use steroids full stop untill you got a decent body fat % its nuts . your aasking for trouble high bloody pressure the lot . these aint miricle drugs you got to put the effort in . and if he was using anything with deca it should be test maybe some dbol . but not at the moment maybe after 2 years of hard work first .. even then your diet has to be right , no drink cut out the fast foods plenty protein some carbs . .

l didnt read the first post right didnt know he just started ,, eph or ephedrine will help burn the fat off and stop his appetite .. when l was training l was sitting a 17 stone and after my m8 had to have calcium lumps removed out of his back because of the drugs l dropped out and only boxed and dropped to 14 stone in 6 months ..
but now at the grand old age of 43 my back , wrists , shoulders and knees r shagged and back to 17 stone but around the gut lol..
l didnt read the first post right didnt know he just started ,, eph or ephedrine will help burn the fat off and stop his appetite .. when l was training l was sitting a 17 stone and after my m8 had to have calcium lumps removed out of his back because of the drugs l dropped out and only boxed and dropped to 14 stone in 6 months ..
but now at the grand old age of 43 my back , wrists , shoulders and knees r shagged and back to 17 stone but around the gut lol..

what caused the lumps m8 the roids and was your injuries weight lifting related . im hitting forty now . and i know the feeling lol . though deca masks it a bit .
what caused the lumps m8 the roids and was your injuries weight lifting related . im hitting forty now . and i know the feeling lol . though deca masks it a bit .

he was using alot because he was advertising the gym at the time and the gear was free , but the doctor said his main problem was he had greasy skin and that built up the deposited in his skin .. he was like a map of the uk on his back and he hated taking his top off in the end ..

shame has he worked fookin hard and looked great too .. shoulder was broken playing football , wrists and back l think where down to weights ,

as u know the gear dosnt make your joints any stronger lol . l loved it why l was doing it dont get me wrong but l loved the boxing more in the end ..

its a nice change but takes months to get your lung capacity up ..
i am 10 wks into my gym revival- circuit training is the way to get general fitness and lose weight gradually- try to do it twice min a week?!!

good luck
I started at the gym about 3 month ago I was jabbing multi shots at first a mix of test deca and anabol etc and I bloated up a stone straight away didnt look natural though moon face so now im just having a little deca 2mil every 3 days im swimming and doing light weights but loads of reps and shagging my self out ive cut up nice for 3 months work by next year im hoping I will be stripped to bits

watch this space the hulk lol
i started at the gym about 3 month ago i was jabbing multi shots at first a mix of test deca and anabol etc and i bloated up a stone straight away didnt look natural though moon face so now im just having a little deca 2mil every 3 days im swimming and doing light weights but loads of reps and shagging my self out ive cut up nice for 3 months work by next year im hoping i will be stripped to bits

watch this space the hulk lol

you should be using test with this m8 deca alone aint good for you .
good luck too you earwigg m8
personally i would not touch steroids tbh waste of space
when i went to the gym oo natural made me feel better that all the work was mmy own and not faulse roid crap but thats me