Nokia N96


Inactive User
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Scarborough NE England
Having just joined the forum (wow - it seems wonderful and cannot for the life of me know why I have not been here before!) and spent the last few hours trawling through many posts could someone please answer this question: -

What is the latest Tomtom application and maps that will work on the N96, utilising the Internal GPS facility please ?


Its very hit and miss, on mine it will just not work at all. Tried various was to install it but wil no joy. For the record mine is unbranded and running generic firmware.
If you can get it to run, its very slow. Thats because the N96 uses a slower processor than the N95.
Thanks for that - much appreciated. Presumably you are running tomtom V 6 ?

Is Version 7 out yet? I see it is for PDA/Smartphone - anyone know when it will be released for mobile phones running S60 - latest version ? I understand V 7 will address the utilisation of the Internal GPS facility or wotnot


I got fed up waiting so I went and bought a TT

N96 in my opinion is the biggest waste of money going, should have got an iPhone.
The N96, after debranding and when upgraded to the latest firmware (12) is by far the best phone on the market right now - it beats the iphone dead and coming from a mod, I'm surprised that you are voicing your personal views in such a way. I know many people who have bought iphones and regretted doing so - too slow and not very usewr friendly. The N96 is perfect in most ways as a complete digital device imho - just thought I would restore some balance.

Now can anyone out there answer my questions please and not tell me about other phones etc etc or voice an opinion on the N96


I think you will find if you use the search facility you will find the answer you are after. There is quite a few threads on it.

Being a mod or not does not stop me from voicing my "personal" opinion. Also having an attitude like that will not get you very far on here m80.

All I was trying to do is ask a civil question and am told I've an attitude!

Please someone help me please?


All I was trying to do is ask a civil question and am told I've an attitude!

Please someone help me please?


I'll help you mate. Shut the F%^k up. You've been here 10 mins & noising up Mairyhinge, you're heading for a ban.
Just my tuppence worth.