Barack Obama's election victory brings a new dawn of leadership


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Mar 5, 2006
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The man who once described himself as a "skinny kid with a funny name" stood before a vast, euphoric crowd — and a watching world — and in a speech that was by turns sombre and inspirational, took upon his shoulders the great weight of leadership of the United States of America.

Barack Obama emerged onto the stage at Chicago's Grant Park as President-Elect to greet a crowd that had waited for several hours to see him — and for decades to witness such a moment. There had been tears all evening, as one key state after another fell — first Pennsylvania, then Ohio — turning the hope of victory into a certainty. But for many it was the sight of the man himself that finally made reality sink in. There he was: an African-American man who from today will be addressed as Mr President.

Obama himself seemed to understand the gravity of the moment. Save for a few thank-yous to his campaign team — and a message to his daughters that they had earned the new puppy that the Obamas will take with them to the White House — he did not deliver a cheery victory speech celebrating an electoral triumph. Instead he used the occasion to give the first address of his presidency.

He declared that "Change has come to America," but left no doubt that his election marked only the first step along a road that will prove long and hard. "We may not get there in one year or in one term," he cautioned. "But we will get there."

Reprising a line he had used in the stump speech that launched his "improbable journey" in the snows of Iowa and New Hampshire a year ago, he reminded his audience that they were a nation at war, with an economy in trouble, living on a planet in peril. He called on all Americans — including those who had not voted for him — to join him in the tough work ahead: "I hear your voices, I need your help and I will be your president too."

It was one of several calls for unity from the man who made his name with a 2004 plea for America to remember that it is not made up of blue states or red states, but must always be the United States. He seemed to be attempting to assemble a new coalition, even a government of national unity, to tackle the great challenges of the age. In a flourish that echoed John F Kennedy, he declared: "Let us summon a new spirit of patriotism; of service and responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves, but each other."

The crowd in Grant Park — scene of one of the most bruising chapters in recent US political history, the Chicago riots of 1968 — stood rapt. They listened as Obama seemed to steel them for a collective effort unseen since the days of FDR.

That crystallised a sense that had been building about Obama in the final weeks of his campaign: that he aspires to be not just a successful politician who wins elections, but a genuine leader — ready to steer his people through an onslaught of troubles. "America, we have come so far," he said, as if the entire nation were gathered before him. "We have seen so much. But there is so much more to do."

He also had a message to the rest of the world, one that will be welcomed almost everywhere. "To all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of our world – our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand."

In this speech, and with his victory, Barack Obama has drawn a line under the last eight years, ending an American era that few will mourn. For today marked nothing less than the first day of the Obama presidency.

By Jonathan Freedland
Jonathan Freedland on Barack Obama's victory speech in Chicago | World news |
good for him could be some good change in the usa to come.

im sure theres a few rednecks polishing thier sniper rifles as we speak thou
Very convincing win. I hope the guy does well.

It will be very interesting to see how things pan out globally over the coming months.
played the race card the whole way . every balck person in america would have voted for him .

Well it didn't take long for the rednecks to start posting did it. :yawn:

(keep polishing that rifle)
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Well it didn't take long for the rednecks to start posting did it. :yawn:

(keep polishing that rifle)

look at my atavar m8 . i never claimed to be anything other than one . ... there was no way he wasnt going to win . the blacks voted for him for no other reason than he was black . hell whats he ever done . from what ive read . ( not alot ) he has done nothing .
Well it didn't take long for the rednecks to start posting did it. :yawn:

(keep polishing that rifle)

Well it didn't take long for the king of the spoons to start stiring did it.

Black president this is just a gimmick ffs , if anybody thinks that things will different well think again.
He will do as he is told or another Kennedy will happen.
Well it didn't take long for the king of the spoons to start stiring did it.

Black president this is just a gimmick ffs , if anybody thinks that things will different well think again.
He will do as he is told or another Kennedy will happen.

they could blame it on the Iranians? :)
No Karym listen to the conspiratorial bullshitters on here!

What you are proposing is a measured rational response to a situation. That won't do for some on here.
No Karym listen to the conspiratorial bullshitters on here!

What you are proposing is a measured rational response to a situation. That won't do for some on here.

pmsl i knew u couldnt help but respond to that . i keed i keed
Sorry, that slipped my mind for a second.

Of course you are quite correct mozr. I should bow down to the superior facts presented by herbie-esque members etc.

When do the lizard people get involved and do I need to get a new tinfoil hat? I used mine up the other night roasting a chicken...

mother told me to send u this :proud:

Lol, trust herbie to get involved.

I'm going to carry on using the term 'rednecks' in place of another one. I'm probably walking a thin enough tightrope as it is.

The problem with most of the 'rednecks' on this forum is that they're not even bright enough to realise what they are. They hide behind their tired old cliches like 'race card' and 'pc brigade' but get genuinely indignant if the colour of their necks is mentioned.

Sorry folks, but that other tired old cliche, "I am not a redneck", doesn't absolve you from being one.

Please discuss among yourselves.
We will be so evolved in 100 years time, the President of the world (!) will be a Christo-Muslim-Faith Healer called 'Cloud'. She will be black, with east Asian wrists, will possess both sets of genitalia (including the ability to procreate with herself), and will have a gammy leg.

All war will cease, money will have become extinct due to a harmonious culture of sharing rendering it void, and those Japanese rubber robot dolls, will be so life like, all violence and rape will stop.

It all starts with a step, and that step is called OBAMA!


Or maybe he will increase the welfare state, tax the rich, reduce the deficit, play Basketball with Iran, and be assassinated by Countryboy.
Even Obama can not clear up the US's biggest ever financial mess in history.

Poor Obama will be in charge of one of America's deepest recessions, probably the worst time to be ever elected. The coming months will tell if he has the power to get Americans to knuckle down and expect a rough ride ahead. Bush et al will be laughing their asses of watching him try to rebuild after their financial holocaust.
I don't know about anyone one else, but when I woke up this morning and heard the news I felt a little bit safer knowing that Bush and his cowboys were leaving the Whitehouse.

Well done Obama.
We will be so evolved in 100 years time, the President of the world (!) will be a Christo-Muslim-Faith Healer called 'Cloud'. She will be black, with east Asian wrists, will possess both sets of genitalia (including the ability to procreate with herself), and will have a gammy leg.

All war will cease, money will have become extinct due to a harmonious culture of sharing rendering it void, and those Japanese rubber robot dolls, will be so life like, all violence and rape will stop.

It all starts with a step, and that step is called OBAMA!


Or maybe he will increase the welfare state, tax the rich, reduce the deficit, play Basketball with Iran, and be assassinated by Countryboy.

Whatever your smoking can I have some
How so?

Apparently, Obama wants to increase the military presence in Afghanistan.

Well, I'm hoping that his more liberal views will help heal some of the tension between the west and the middle east.

That's about it basically.

Slightly off-topic, but does anyone know what his plans are for American Health care?

I was half watching (wasn't really paying attention) a BBC news report on News24 and I'm sure it said he was looking to start up a version of a National Health Service, is this true?
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