10,000 complain about, comments on a radeo show they didnt hear

number of complaints made directly after broadcast = 2

Number of complaints made since it made front page = 18,000

All those who didn't hear it should shut up and sit down. It was a stupid mistake for which they apologised. End of story

I feel the bottom line is those still annoyed at how much Ross is paid. Just deal with it for christ sake. We don't demand Gerrard or Deco are sacked because they are paid 6 figures a week why is this any different.

It's not possible to take offense when the wrong was not directed at you. i wish people would just grow a pair and quit whining all the bloody time

If you listen to Ross/Brand you know they are bulshy and punchy, if you're likely to be easily offended, don't listen

And I appreciate this is no defense or reason to offend and individual but less we forget he was due on their show that day and simply did not turn up, no explanation, no phone call nothing...if that's not rude and offensive I don't know what is
number of complaints made directly after broadcast = 2

Number of complaints made since it made front page = 18,000

All those who didn't hear it should shut up and sit down. It was a stupid mistake for which they apologised. End of story

I feel the bottom line is those still annoyed at how much Ross is paid. Just deal with it for christ sake. We don't demand Gerrard or Deco are sacked because they are paid 6 figures a week why is this any different.

It's not possible to take offense when the wrong was not directed at you. i wish people would just grow a pair and quit whining all the bloody time

If you listen to Ross/Brand you know they are bulshy and punchy, if you're likely to be easily offended, don't listen

And I appreciate this is no defense or reason to offend and individual but less we forget he was due on their show that day and simply did not turn up, no explanation, no phone call nothing...if that's not rude and offensive I don't know what is


Like wot this bloke just said :)

......We don't demand Gerrard or Deco are sacked because they are paid 6 figures a week ......

I would if I thought anybody would listen. I've always thought these prima-donna's are grossly overpaid for doing nowt more than kicking a ball around !

All those who didn't hear it should shut up and sit down. It was a stupid mistake for which they apologised. End of story

So we can only act if we saw or heard it live? We can't complain otherwise? Sorry but that is absolute nonsense.

If you are a tax payer then you have every right to protest as we pay their salaries. The BBC is a public and not a private institution. They answer to us!

Ross has been getting away with this BS for years and it's attitudes like yours that make it acceptable for them to do so.

LOL people complain about the state the country is in whilst they are defenders of this garbage.
Ross has been getting away with this BS for years and it's attitudes like yours that make it acceptable for them to do so.

I take this attitude because I, and many thousands of people, don't give a toss, there are far bigger problems in this country which I might care something was done about, I'm sick of turning on the TV/Radio/Internet and seeing something about this BS.

I HAVE to pay a TV licence to watch Sky Sports and that's just the way it is. I don't make the law I just have to live with it.

Fine make the BBC private and add commercials, I really don't care, what I do object to is people getting on a band wagon they've nothing to do with.

What exactly are people so upset about? I saw a man in the street call his wife a Slag the other day, I didn't take offence to that. He wasn't calling me a slag!

So we can only act if we saw or heard it live? We can't complain otherwise? Sorry but that is absolute nonsense.

It's nothing to do with you hearing it live, the fact is you never would have heard about it if this media circus had stuck to their job and reported the News, not some bull crap because they had a slow Monday
What exactly are people so upset about? I saw a man in the street call his wife a Slag the other day, I didn't take offence to that. He wasn't calling me a slag!

I think this speaks volumes for your persona. I do care. I don't want young children over hearing this type of foul mouthed language and thinking it is the norm for people to speak to each other this way just because people on TV behave this way. I understand your point but it feels very selfish, 'if it ain't aimed at me I don't care'.
What exactly are people so upset about? I saw a man in the street call his wife a Slag the other day, I didn't take offence to that. He wasn't calling me a slag!

....and that speaks volumes about the way our society is disintegrating.

"I'm alright Jack, I don't care." Well I'm sorry, I do care.
....and that speaks volumes about the way our society is disintegrating.

"I'm alright Jack, I don't care." Well I'm sorry, I do care.

So, all you upstanding members of society, since you all seem to care so much, what exactly are you doing about this?

It's a load of bollocks.
So, all you upstanding members of society, since you all seem to care so much, what exactly are you doing about this?

It's a load of bollocks.

-Complaining to the BBC and getting these two (& too) sweary pillocks carpeted for a start :eater:
We have British born and educated young men strapping semtex to their bodies and blowing themselves and others up on the pubic transport system, yet 2 TV personalities poking fun at a pensioners slapper granddaughter is being blamed for the 'downfall in society'.

This story is NOTHING.

After watching this on the net, the biggest scandal here is why are the BBC paying those 2 feckers millions...that big girls blouse Brand wouldn't make it through to the televised stage of Britain's got talent and as for Jonathan Woss his humour died out in the eighties, not that he's ever had any.

So, all you upstanding members of society, since you all seem to care so much, what exactly are you doing about this?

It's a load of bollocks.

Witchy... if anybody left a message like that on your answer machine...you'd be round there kicking the shit out of him especially if he looked like that ugly fecker Brand, I know I would lol.

We have British born and educated young men strapping semtex to their bodies and blowing themselves and others up on the pubic transport system, yet 2 TV personalities poking fun at a pensioners slapper granddaughter is being blamed for the 'downfall in society'.

This story is NOTHING.


So, all you upstanding members of society, since you all seem to care so much, what exactly are you doing about this?

It's a load of bollocks.

Maybe we could persuade some radicals with semtex to pay brand/ross a visit?
I was just watching the news, the girl with the big jugs who was offended has just done a video interview with the gutter press. I wonder will the money she gets ease her pain.

Manuel was on talking about it and I didnt know they had let him hear the interview and asked if it was ok to air, he said NO and they offered to do the whole thing the next week which he agreed to.
That puts a whole different light on it for me, the editors have not done their job, infact they went against his wishes and aired it anyway.

It was a bad prank gone wrong and Brand has just resigned from his Radio show.
Jaffa, u saying that the BBC asked Sach's permission to air the section of the show relating to the phone call, Sachs denied permission yet the BBC still transmitted the show?

Heads will roll and it won't just be Brand and Ross's.

Some airhead obviously thought that a few edits here and there would have made it ok, but if this fella denied them any rights to broadcast his voice then they've broken umpteen broadcasting regulations.

Expect to see job advertisements for the BBC looking for a new sound engineer, sound editor, producer and director!
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Jaffa, u saying that the BBC asked Sach's permission to air the section of the show relating to the phone call, Sachs denied permission yet the BBC still transmitted the show?

Heads will roll and it won't just be Brand and Ross's.

Some airhead obviously thought that a few edits here and there would have made it ok, but if this fella denied them any rights to broadcast his voice then they've broken umpteen broadcasting regulations.

Expect to see job advertisements for the BBC looking for a new sound engineer, sound editor, producer and director!

Yes m8, I just heard it from the man himself, he said he couldnt really hear it too well as he was out walking and there was traffic noise, they then rang him and asked if it was o.k and he said no he wasnt happy with it. Its on BBC news where reporters are questioning him outside his house.
Jaffa, u saying that the BBC asked Sach's permission to air the section of the show relating to the phone call, Sachs denied permission yet the BBC still transmitted the show?

I thought everybody knew this, it was made known yesterday. That's why I couldn't understand those who didn't seem bothered.
I'm still not too bothered over the actual prank call (if you can call it that), but going ahead and broadcasting stuff without permission is another matter completely.

Shows a definate lack of professionalism at the BBC.
I think this speaks volumes for your persona. I do care. .

This isn't about me, I don't agree foul language should be acceptable, nor should "bullying" if you can call it that, nor do I want the degenerate youth finding this acceptable, but you know what? It's too bloody late. If people had a problem with this they should have stood up and done something about it a decade ago. Fortunately this is not a society I choose to associate myself with. People have a mind, they know right and wrong, if they choose the latter then nothing I say or do will change that,

The issue I'm making is why the hell is this pathetic non story the reason for it suddenly coming to the attention of the masses.

We ignore the yobs who do this day in day out and terrorise individuals up and down the country, yet two "celebs" and the BBC make a mistake and everybody is up in arms, Whinging about misplaced tax payers money, what about the upkeep of MPs houses, the "golden handshakes" for large contracts, the money that is misplaced by Local Authorities and the Government on a daily basis. Why are people not bitching about this?

How is gods name has this become a story, and moreover why are some many people jumping in.

We now know Brand has stepped down, and frankly i don't blame him. I wouldn't put up with being harassed like this. This is Mr Sachs issue, if he is happy to accept the apology and put it down to a misjudgment of taste then so should everybody else.

I particularly dislike the non BBC coverage on this, using it as a blatant excuse to laud a barrage on the BBC.

If people want their kids to know this is not acceptable then you tell them so, but don't use this nonsensity as an example

Rant Over