BLoody petrol prices to halt / rise

fair enough but thats my problem not yours.

i gotta agree with most things this guy has said on this thread.
If i got sacked tomorrow i GUARANTEE i would have another job by wednesday...
its called motivation.
Unfortunately a lot of the dole dossers in this country do not have this,or simply ignore it !
It is not hard to get a job in this country, in fact i would go as far as to say it is easy.
I am not saying that we can tie ALL unemployed with the same brush here , we all have different circumstances.
From my experience and travels, all i see is a lot of dole dossers who are happy just the wat they are doin, jobless in the bookies and the pub, rentfree, not a bad lifestyle might i add.
Leechin off UK Capital left right and center.
I am also not sayin that it is a problem that immediately affects our attention(with the current bank issues),but it has been goin on for years and could be dealt with by our government much better.
well....i think to claim unemployment benefit they must run some sort of STRICT scheme.
In other words , to be able to claim your money every week, then certain "tasks" must be achieved every week.
As in "tasks" i mean the likes of at least proof of 1 interview per week,or at least 1 application.
Something to show weekly that these people are physically lookin for work.
If they fail the "task" then they dont get paid for that particular week.
I know it is a tall order but that is just 1 idea that could be implented. There would be many other ways to do this.
Make them involved and sorta earn there unemployment benefits.
well....i think to claim unemployment benefit they must run some sort of STRICT scheme.
In other words , to be able to claim your money every week, then certain "tasks" must be achieved every week.
As in "tasks" i mean the likes of at least proof of 1 interview per week,or at least 1 application.
Something to show weekly that these people are physically lookin for work.
If they fail the "task" then they dont get paid for that particular week.
I know it is a tall order but that is just 1 idea that could be implented. There would be many other ways to do this.
Make them involved and sorta earn there unemployment benefits.

I think they have something like that in force Chris. May not be weekly but if they dont show they are actively looking for work or fail to apply for jobs then their job seekers allowance is stopped.

That doesnt apply to those on disability allowance just job seekers. Its the fraudsters who claim disability that gets up my nose, they limp into the dole office with a walking sick then through it in the boot and head for the golf course.

That rant is against fraudster claimants...not genuine claimants.
well maybe the system is not good enough ?
try something else , make the existing system stricter ?
Theres certain people sounding like hitler in here, i wont quote names, but what about the poor guy that maybe was disabled, or partially disabled or even just long term sick, so you saying all those people too should gradually have their benefits reduced too ??? thats just stupid, but i can take peoples point on the total lazy unumployed guy, those kind of people need a kick up the arse, but while they are being looked after with money from us, and lets face it, its our money, then they should be treated with respect and not forced to feel any less a human being than the man across the road in a rolls royce.
Theres certain people sounding like hitler in here, i wont quote names, but what about the poor guy that maybe was disabled, or partially disabled or even just long term sick, so you saying all those people too should gradually have their benefits reduced too ??? thats just stupid, but i can take peoples point on the total lazy unumployed guy, those kind of people need a kick up the arse, but while they are being looked after with money from us, and lets face it, its our money, then they should be treated with respect and not forced to feel any less a human being than the man across the road in a rolls royce.

agree there mate,

The ones that pisss me off to the max are the ones with a £50k motor, pull up outside job center... go in SIGN ON... then get back in their car thats worth more than my whole life's worth of possessions put together ! why not make them sell the damn car ? live for 2-3 yrs on that money ffs.

This happens on a daily basis down there as well, ok ppl are entitled to what they have worked for... the fact is, there not working... they are there to get money, when they have assets they dont need and could sell.

Petrol at my local asda is 94.9 now, been about 4 days now an not moved when was going down regular so seems that opec have got their wish, money grabbing barstewards !
then they should be treated with respect and not forced to feel any less a human being than the man across the road in a rolls royce.

And the same respect must be given to the rolls royce owner but instead you stated we should make them pay higher taxes.
And the same respect must be given to the rolls royce owner but instead you stated we should make them pay higher taxes.

yes, thats going back to that subject, and yes, i will always say tax the people more that can afford more and less for people like the average asda worker etc.
Petrol at my local asda is 94.9 now, been about 4 days now an not moved when was going down regular so seems that opec have got their wish, money grabbing barstewards !

Its already been stated twice that petrol was almost 10p cheaper when the price of crude was the same as it is now a year how is that Opec being greedy, they are getting $61 a barrel as they were a year ago but the forecourts are getting 10p more. Government never put tax on fuel so the 10p is being made by the retailers m8.
yes, thats going back to that subject, and yes, i will always say tax the people more that can afford more and less for people like the average asda worker etc.

But they already pay double the tax as the Asda worker...exactly how much more do you want them to pay. Lets take al their money why not and give it to the lazy fraudster benefit cheats so they can play golf every day instead of every other day.
I reckon we should make the unemployed lazy ones sit in a big white room with no windows and no noise for 8 hours a day with a half hour lunch break in order to get their daily dole money - one day a week they will have to perform community service to a good standard too

They will soon get pissed off with that and get a job out of boredom.
I think all, I can say on this subject is that its one great Scam being orchestrated by OPEC, the government and the refinery's to screw us. Luckily I have a company car and get a private fuel allowance of which I get taxed on based on CO2. But the wife still has to pay for fuel and until recently she done 20 miles per week. Soon its going to be 50 miles per day, so the rising fuel costs are going to affect us now! Cundle of bunts!
But they already pay double the tax as the Asda worker...exactly how much more do you want them to pay. Lets take al their money why not and give it to the lazy fraudster benefit cheats so they can play golf every day instead of every other day.

ohh so now all people on benefits are fraudster cheats ?LOL, and yes, lets suck as much money as we can from these super wealthy people, the ones that are super super rich should be tax'd to the hilt, and another thing, lets take all child benefits from familys living well off, its ferkin shocking that millionaires etc get child benefit,s, that would free up millions of money for needy people who really need it to switch on thier heater in -2 weather.
ohh so now all people on benefits are fraudster cheats ?LOL, and yes, lets suck as much money as we can from these super wealthy people, the ones that are super super rich should be tax'd to the hilt, and another thing, lets take all child benefits from familys living well off, its ferkin shocking that millionaires etc get child benefit,s, that would free up millions of money for needy people who really need it to switch on thier heater in -2 weather.

Stop fekkin twisting it, I never once said ALL people on benefits are fraudsters, you really need to read the whole thread and you would have seen that. I will be interested to see you quoting where I did say it or retract what you said.

Your problem is you are jealous of the rich...well so am I but good luck to them they pay a hefty tax bill.

You plan to tax them even more is ludicrous, the problem is the benefit cheats not the wealthy who pay their bills.
Stop fekkin twisting it, I never once said ALL people on benefits are fraudsters, you really need to read the whole thread and you would have seen that. I will be interested to see you quoting where I did say it or retract what you said.

Your problem is you are jealous of the rich...well so am I but good luck to them they pay a hefty tax bill.

You plan to tax them even more is ludicrous, the problem is the benefit cheats not the wealthy who pay their bills.

so what your basically saying is that we should murder the queen and kick around her decapitated head whilst declaring thursdays as orgie day????
Stop fekkin twisting it, I never once said ALL people on benefits are fraudsters, you really need to read the whole thread and you would have seen that. I will be interested to see you quoting where I did say it or retract what you said.

Your problem is you are jealous of the rich...well so am I but good luck to them they pay a hefty tax bill.

You plan to tax them even more is ludicrous, the problem is the benefit cheats not the wealthy who pay their bills.
iam jelous of no c*nt, never have been never will be.

And no one has even touched on the child benefit thing i says ?? if we took all child benefits from all familys that earn over a certain limit, say for example a few grand a week and or especially higher wage brackets, that would produce enough funding to give the needy dole/disabled/sick/pensioners loads of money to burn like as much fuel as they like to keep warm/cook/light in winter and for the same class of people to not pay any council tax at all.
I cant remember if it was earlier in this thread or another thread, i says, i wasnt sure of the exact figures, but you do realise that an adult on basic unemployment benefit gets something like £50 per week to live on, YES, 50quid, come on man, have any of you even dreamed about how it would be trying to survive on £50 per week ?? I bet not.
Gas/electricty/tv licence/council tax(after rebate), food, travel, clothes, etc etc etc, ohhhh man, it sounds painfull......
iam jelous of no c*nt, never have been never will be.

And no one has even touched on the child benefit thing i says ?? if we took all child benefits from all familys that earn over a certain limit, say for example a few grand a week and or especially higher wage brackets, that would produce enough funding to give the needy dole/disabled/sick/pensioners loads of money to burn like as much fuel as they like to keep warm/cook/light in winter and for the same class of people to not pay any council tax at all.
I cant remember if it was earlier in this thread or another thread, i says, i wasnt sure of the exact figures, but you do realise that an adult on basic unemployment benefit gets something like £50 per week to live on, YES, 50quid, come on man, have any of you even dreamed about how it would be trying to survive on £50 per week ?? I bet not.
Gas/electricty/tv licence/council tax(after rebate), food, travel, clothes, etc etc etc, ohhhh man, it sounds painfull......

lazy fookers shud get a job then.............