Town moves against Islamic school

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Why would you be offended by someone eating a ham sandwich,
Muslim nuts blow people up, stone people to death,cut off limbs and heads, but god forbid dont eat a fcuking ham sandwich they get offended

that's plain rude.

i know one muslim well and he doesn't do any of those things.

if any one sounds like a nutter it's you mate.

ps. you do know ham comes from pigs, right ;)
How so ?

Does Islam not teach you to kill the non believer wherever you find them and spread the word of Allah ?

To my understanding they are following the word of Allah, anyone not fighting is not.......

the term that you have mentioned is from a battle which took place long long time ago(as far as i understand).
this verse has been blown out of context and is protrayed as if its an daily order from the koran.

well come can you really say a muslim would kill a non beliver day in day out???
then you can class me as a killer and like your assumption i would go out and kill all my non believing friends and neighbours.


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that's plain rude.

i know one muslim well and he doesn't do any of those things.

if any one sounds like a nutter it's you mate.

ps. you do know ham comes from pigs, right ;)

It might have been written a tad "in your face" but I see the point he is making though......

No matter how bad the acts that Islamic badboys commit we keep hearing that Islam is peace, but to be frank I can't see this anywhere, we keep hearing from "moderate muslims" that say certain parts of the Qur'an and even the Hadith are simply out of date(even though each & every word is still preached) and these "extremists" are just not reading things properly.....

Is it not obvious to muslims that nobody believes this tripe ?

I would like a muslim (or someone who knows..) to tell us why these "just a few" mad people are misunderstanding Islam?.... I have not seen any muslim answer this question..... just the usual "you dont understand) jibberish.

In other words put up or shut up............
the term that you have mentioned is from a battle which took place long long time ago(as far as i understand).
this verse has been blown out of context and is protrayed as if its an daily order from the koran.

well come can you really say a muslim would kill a non beliver day in day out???
then you can class me as a killer and like your assumption i would go out and kill all my non believing neighbours


This is when i get vixed at people who have no knowledge!

They get some quotes and they take it the way it is! You lot here don't have proper knowledge of Islam loke mojo says it has been bown out of proportion!

The biggest problem with some folks on Islam is they lack of knowledge on it. If you really want to discuss the religion i would advise you spend a little time doing some research on it. Islam is a religion of PEACE.

People sometimes forget what the Quran says but lead to words from clerics who do wrong things yet claim to do them for the good of Muslims. The fact is here the clerics are wrong not Islam i can assure you if you do some research people you will find Islam is very peaceful.

Knowledge then speech people!​
the term that you have mentioned is from a battle which took place long long time ago(as far as i understand).
this verse has been blown out of context and is protrayed as if its an daily order from the koran.

well come can you really say a muslim would kill a non beliver day in day out???
then you can class me as a killer and like your assumption i would go out and kill all my non believing friends and neighbours.



So you don't agree that the highest honour that Islam has is Jihad ?
It might have been written a tad "in your face" but I see the point he is making though......

No matter how bad the acts that Islamic badboys commit we keep hearing that Islam is peace, but to be frank I can't see this anywhere, we keep hearing from "moderate muslims" that say certain parts of the Qur'an and even the Hadith are simply out of date(even though each & every word is still preached) and these "extremists" are just not reading things properly.....

Is it not obvious to muslims that nobody believes this tripe ?

I would like a muslim (or someone who knows..) to tell us why these "just a few" mad people are misunderstanding Islam?.... I have not seen any muslim answer this question..... just the usual "you dont understand) jibberish.

In other words put up or shut up............

Basically the extremists involved are coming out with things in hatred for whatever it maybe against. Look at America and the Israelis they are the main ones the extremists hate and also the UK. The Israelis are hated for their occupation of muslim land these extremist blow things out of proportion and start committing sins which target innocent lives. Look at the trade cente attacts are you saying no muslims died there? These people ain't muslims they are devils in my opinion who do wrong and a doing nothing good for the great religion that Islam really is. Propaganda has led to views of muslims as some nasty people who pressurize and kill people.

Why don't you look into Islam and find out what it is really about!
So you don't agree that the highest honour that Islam has is Jihad ?

go here most threads are to do with jihad and it various meanings not just going into battle as most people assume.

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Basically the extremists involved are coming out with things in hatred for whatever it maybe against. Look at America and the Israelis they are the main ones the extremists hate and also the UK. The Israelis are hated for their occupation of muslim land these extremist blow things out of proportion and start committing sins which target innocent lives. Look at the trade cente attacts are you saying no muslims died there? These people ain't muslims they are devils in my opinion who do wrong and a doing nothing good for the great religion that Islam really is. Propaganda has led to views of muslims as some nasty people who pressurize and kill people.

Why don't you look into Islam and find out what it is really about!

I have, hence my open question to anyone who knows what they are talking about.

Yet again we have the "you don't understand bla bla" well make us understand, as far as I can see these peeps are following the word of Muhhamad/Allah via the Qur'an/Hadith.

So I will ask the question again.....WHERE are these extremists misreading the holy scripts ?

I am not pretending to know everything about Islam, but nor am I ignorant about the subject either so I would appreciate a straight answer and not the usual "read about Islam poo"... I have and cant see where your peace is from ....
I have, hence my open question to anyone who knows what they are talking about.

Yet again we have the "you don't understand bla bla" well make us understand, as far as I can see these peeps are following the word of Muhhamad/Allah via the Qur'an/Hadith.

So I will ask the question again.....WHERE are these extremists misreading the holy scripts ?

the extremists are taking parts of the koran and misinterpriting for there own gain(martydom).
suicide is forbidden in islam btw
Why don't you look into Islam and find out what it is really about!

I have not commented on this yet but feel I have to give my view .. offend or not .. here goes

Personally I couldn't give a toss about Islam, or hinduism or any other religeon come to that, all I want to do is live in my own country with our values and customs that I have had for years, if the other people of the world and their brother want to come and live here thats fine by me BUT they should fit into our culture or at least not get offended by our culture and things that are quite frankly to me absurd, I am not going to stop eating bacon sarnies or pork chops and crackling wether it offends muslims or not, I don't give a toss, also all the fuss recently over a cartoon in a DUTCH newspaper, when you talk about prophets why get so worked up ? to me mohamed is just some dead beardy bloke who has been dead a long time and means nothing to me, jesus is the same .. a dead beardy bloke who means nothing,
Then again if I went out with my friend who is an islamic judge I wouldn't eat any swine in front of him. I guess its all about how much respect you have for the people you associate with.

Its not just a religous respectful think Munkey m8...its generally just respect. I would never ever curse in front of my mum...mainly because she would give me a thick ear but its due to respect for her, just like you respect your judge m8, its not because he is a muslim, its just because you respect him as a person.

I have seem thinks wrote in threads that non muslims dont understand Islam...I am guilty of that. I dont understand it and have no intention of understanding it because it is not my religion or faith. I dont understand Roman catholicism either or judiaism as I was not brought up to understand it. Everyone can believe what the want or be brainwashed as some may say but it does not make them bad people....its only their acts that can be considered good or bad and thats for all faiths or beliefs not just muslim.

I have to admit that I have no Muslim friends...mainly because there are non near me. I have learned a good bit about Islam from this forum but I dont judge people on their faith... I have some very dear catholic friends but if they tried to built a catholic school in a protestant area I would tell them its wrong, as I would if protestants wanted to build a school in a cathlolic area....its all about respect, not trying to force an opinion on people.

If the people of the town don't want the school there, then their view should be considered and if they vote on it then thats what democracy is all about. If you want to live in a democratic country then you have to accept what the majority wants.
I have not commented on this yet but feel I have to give my view .. offend or not .. here goes

Personally I couldn't give a toss about Islam, or hinduism or any other religeon come to that, all I want to do is live in my own country with our values and customs that I have had for years, if the other people of the world and their brother want to come and live here thats fine by me BUT they should fit into our culture or at least not get offended by our culture and things that are quite frankly to me absurd, I am not going to stop eating bacon sarnies or pork chops and crackling wether it offends muslims or not, I don't give a toss, also all the fuss recently over a cartoon in a DUTCH newspaper, when you talk about prophets why get so worked up ? to me mohamed is just some dead beardy bloke who has been dead a long time and means nothing to me, jesus is the same .. a dead beardy bloke who means nothing,

like many muslims im not bothered its the pc brigade thats causing rift and division between the communities.
that's plain rude.

i know one muslim well and he doesn't do any of those things.

if any one sounds like a nutter it's you mate.

ps. you do know ham comes from pigs, right ;)

I know some Muslims chum but they are not nuts .
You know the Muslim nuts I was referring to so don't play dumb
Muslims like that Bin Laden nut and all his followers.

And yes this is the UK we like Bacon and egg, Pork pies, and Ham sandwiches, if that offends anyone "too bad"

good post.

going back to the main subject
the people of that locality can object to the plans for an islamic school. im sure if theyre not happy then the local council will have to re think.

the extremists are taking parts of the koran and misinterpriting for there own gain(martydom).
suicide is forbidden in islam btw[/QUOTE]

But "suicide bombings" are not suicide, you are quoting Qur'an 4:29-30, but it is not suicide because the intention is not to kill themselvesbut the enemies of allah, it is a form of Jihad under the title of jeopardising the mujahideen. It is allowed to jeopardise your soul and cross the path of the enemy and be killed.

BTW ;)

good post.

going back to the main subject
the people of that locality can object to the plans for an islamic school. im sure if theyre not happy then the local council will have to re think.

An Australian town council on Tuesday rejected a proposal to build a 1,200-student Islamic school
Islam appeals to every class and every race - as it gives ppl a purpose in life - off course, ppl find a meaning to their life after they convert to islam - you have a wealthy singers, well renowned journalist, actors, businessmen - all living properous life - but converted and found meaning to their lifes after they converted - It does not equal - they did literally have empyt lifes - and they were
Islam appeals to every class and every race - as it gives ppl a purpose in life - off course, ppl find a meaning to their life after they convert to islam - you have a wealthy singers, well renowned journalist, actors, businessmen - all living properous life - but converted and found meaning to their lifes after they converted - It does not equal - they did literally have empyt lifes - and they were

Oh yeah it's a religion to die for..............
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