Zorge image/sectionsd


Inactive User
Apr 26, 2005
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I've got a working Zg0re but with no working EPG on Front Row. This is what I did to try to sort it out.
I stopped the EPG using telnet with killall -9 sectionsd, then copied the sectionsd from a Sportster image (great EPG) and ftp'd it over to /bin folder after deleting existing sectionsd file.
When I telnet>sectionsd I get an "access denied" error.

Have tried chmod 755 before and after, but it's still not taking. Am on Sportster now but the FrontRow chans are sticky and have problems with other channs on this.

Any ideas anyone plse? :Cry:
captF2 no need to delete the file just copy over the top and when asked select replace / overwrite deleting first seams to just cause probs

depending on the image file type you may not be able to modify the folder there is a way i will try to find how and post

ok had a look arround not easy you cant change anything in /bin if its a squashfx image so the way round is.....

sectionsd is called from /etc/init.d/start which is a symlink to /var/etc/init.d/start

So you can just edit the start file to point to /var/bin and put sectionds file there.

havent tried this but worth a go