YWeb No longer working


Inactive User
Nov 24, 2005
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Finaly got my Dbox hooked up via my Router so i can access it over my network.

Then i found the wonderful YWeb, i then attempted to update it with one from this forums but it now wont load :/

Any idea what i can do to get a working version again?
When i tellnet into the Dbox and try and run nhttpd i just get

nhttpd: Permission denied
Im now getting the following after CHMOD the nhttpd file to 755

error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Yes, it no longer works!

Like i say it was working, then i try'd to upgrade it (didnt back up :/ nhttpd) and know it does not run, i then found i needed to CHMOD it and it starts to run but gives the error above about libstdc++.so.6 no being installed, which is right i only have libstdc++.so.5 no im not that good with Linux, i think ive found the right .rpm libary but ive no idea how to install a RPM over Telnet :S
Can someone just confirm that i can install this lib the same way i would on any other linux install and it wont kill the standard DBox functions?