Young brothers admit boys' attack


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Nov 19, 2008
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Two young brothers have admitted "grave crimes" against two boys, aged nine and 11, found seriously injured in a South Yorkshire village.

At Sheffield Crown Court, the brothers, who were aged 10 and 11 at the time, admitted causing grievous bodily harm.

They were arrested on 4 April after their younger victim was found in a street covered in blood.

Attempted murder charges over the attack in Edlington, near Doncaster, were dropped by prosecutors.

Brick attack

The victims met their attackers as they played in a park.

The boys were lured to a ravine by the brothers, who promised they would show them a toad they had found, but instead they were subjected to a horrific assault.

One of the boys had a sink dropped on his head, the pair had bricks thrown at them and they were repeatedly stamped on.

The nine-year-old managed to stagger to a nearby house to raise the alarm, covered in blood from wounds to his head and arm.

The 11-year-old boy was discovered unconscious in the nearby wooded ravine.

A woman who first saw the younger child said she would be forever haunted by the image of his bloodied face.

Jean Wright said her 40-year-old son, who found the badly beaten 11-year-old, was left so traumatised he could no longer walk past the scene of the attacks.

The brothers have each pleaded guilty to robbing one of the boys of a mobile phone and the other of cash.

They also admitted two counts of intentionally causing a child to engage in sexual activity.

Throughout this case, the prosecution team have had in mind the distress that attending court and giving evidence would cause all the victims
Adrian Lower, CPS

Both injured boys have since been released from hospital following their ordeal.

The brothers were later charged with attempted grievous bodily harm with intent and making a threat to kill in connection with a separate attack on another 11-year-old boy in Doncaster on 28 March.

The pair had denied these offences, but each pleaded guilty to an lesser charge of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

Nicholas Campbell QC, prosecuting, described the offences as "grave crimes".

Mr Campbell said the offences had begun with the violence against the first 11-year-old boy and culminated in the "more serious" attack on the other two boys a week later.

The prosecutor said on the day of the second attack, the two brothers should have been at the police station being questioned about the earlier assault.

Serious case review

He said: "Instead, they went out and attacked [the two boys]."

The barrister said the new offence of causing grievous bodily harm with intent carried the same maximum sentence as that of attempted murder.

The Crown Prosecution Service said the decision not to pursue the attempted murder charges was taken in consultation with the victims' families.

Adrian Lower, head of the CPS complex casework unit for South Yorkshire and Humberside, said: " A major consideration in accepting the pleas on these particular charges was that this would avoid the need for these two young victims to relive in court the shocking events of their ordeal.

"Throughout this case, the prosecution team have had in mind the distress that attending court and giving evidence would cause all the victims."

Doncaster Council said a serious case review was now under way to establish if there are lessons to be learned by any agency involved.

BBC NEWS | UK | England | South Yorkshire | Young brothers admit boys' attack
This is sickening... cant imagine how anyone could do this.. i suppose you can only imagine it if you have kids yourself...

Discusting thing was i read earlier that the boy left in the revine had begged to be left to die.. and the second had been found wondering around naked..

Sick twats, reminds you of jamie bulger murder.. this time luckily they survived.. but will be scared for life...

I say lock them up.. and burn them with a weldin stick... them strip them naked and let them wonder around an adult prison,.... see if they like the soap.....
This is sickening... cant imagine how anyone could do this.. i suppose you can only imagine it if you have kids yourself...

Discusting thing was i read earlier that the boy left in the revine had begged to be left to die.. and the second had been found wondering around naked..

Sick twats, reminds you of jamie bulger murder.. this time luckily they survived.. but will be scared for life...

I say lock them up.. and burn them with a weldin stick... them strip them naked and let them wonder around an adult prison,.... see if they like the soap.....

I have read since that the mother used to feed them canabis to help them sleep.

Its a fucked up world.
with what they did and what there gonna be charged with doesent add up,they should be charged with attempted murder and locked up 4 ever.
Sadly this is what happens in our country ... made me very upset reading this and the missus refuses to watch any news programmes or read the paper when it is in or on.

The things they did were trully horrific and the mother and father should both be punished for bringing their children up like that if the rumours are true, eg. Feedin cannibas etc.

How can 2 human beings do that to any other let alone children to each other. In my opinion they should never see daylight again, apparently 1 was already on bail for theft and GBH and the other 1 was well known to police and social services.

Disgusting is the word that sums this country up, I feel sorry for all the families that lost loved 1s when people were fighting for this country and those that have lost lives in Afghan when cases like this get announced it just shoves that back in their faces tbh
with what they did and what there gonna be charged with doesent add up,they should be charged with attempted murder and locked up 4 ever.

problem is m8, in this country 'life' doesnt mean 'life'! it means a decade or so behind bars, then your free to go.
was sickened when I heard this. These kids will be locked up, have a good time then released with new identities and have a great life. That really bugs me, fooked up nation we got.

To tell you the truth, I do believe crimes like this which have so much publicity then movies like eden lake leads to copycat crimes to the pathetic kids that have no self control. But eh, there is nothing you can do about it and you shouldnt stop news and movies.

If they were my kids I would definitely disown them.
Fooking disgusting.
Can you imagine it,an 11yr old child begging to be left alone to die because of what these two little sicko's did to him?
Terrified,blinded and terrible injuries. What child should go through that...and for what? 2 little sh*ts to get a kick.

As a citizen of this country I find it hard to take but as a parent of 2 children I find it terrifying.
This kind of attack will continue to occur until this dozy hole government starts to crack down and get tough. Bring back National Service,do something because it won't be long before we get another Bulger incident in this country.

According to the papers though,these little scumbags will be out when they are 18yrs old with new identities that we,the taxpayer,will pay for.
So we are paying for a child to nearly kill another child.

Doesn't it make you proud to be British!!!