Xlink kia or XBOX Live


Inactive User
Apr 19, 2006
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Hi just been reading about Kia and it sounds like if you are banned then you can connect to this. the question i have is do you still need gold membership to connect to this or is it free?
as i have an elite which I not flashed and a premium that is, but never connect the premium to live as i dont want it to get banned. Can i just connect to this sytem with a gamingtag or do i still need the gold membership.
Sorry to ask if this a stupid question.

Hi just been reading about Kia and it sounds like if you are banned then you can connect to this. the question i have is do you still need gold membership to connect to this or is it free?
as i have an elite which I not flashed and a premium that is, but never connect the premium to live as i dont want it to get banned. Can i just connect to this sytem with a gamingtag or do i still need the gold membership.
Sorry to ask if this a stupid question.


its nothing to do with xbox live mate so u dont even need a silver account, its tunneling software that makes ur xbox think its playing on a lan, iv never used it as my box aint modded but i used to use xbox connect on the first xbox, dont know about kia but xbc was incredibly laggy and virtually unplayable most of the time, also now the developers put ping restrictions into the games to stop u from using this type of software.
Good luck though
lol, it's ok now and again if you are desperate, but it's deffo not an alternative to Live or even the Playstation Network for that matter :)
i never got a game on xkai, always just short on the pings but tbh im not too bothered i looked at all the maps on mw2 and im not that impressed,

thats why ive not rushed the in warranty 360 back yet for repair yet (brothers dead drive 360, swapping for my banned 360), i dont think when i do and get it back i'll be hammering mw2, looks a bit of a let down.

i'll be like that retard kid on youtube punching the walls lol.
lol, I like it. Infact I love it :)

The co-op maps do feel a little lackluster, but is that perhaps because we are so used to the MW maps?

YouTube kid rocks - fooking idiot, lol