xgds games ? any one playing Forza copy yet? agbx etc?


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Premium Member
May 18, 2005
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haven't had the chance to burn a game yet on the new flashed drives (p.c drive that is) any one had any success with Forza on line yet? (i did make a post about how i got the "dirty disk" error a week or two ago?) was thinking of buying a new machine and buying the game....so that's why I'm wondering as the "dirty disk - please make sure your using an official disk popped up when turn 10 started banning machines etc.

Has AGBX been sorted for running the games through it yet?

I got the dirty disk error message with my original copy of the game, yet my iXtreme Burner Max burn of the game works perfectly, so go figure.
yeah thanks, well there was loads of people that had the orginal that "turn10" said that they'd banned by mistake, so was just wondering, so your playing online with your copy and all is fine? i know they were banning people that had messed with there gamer score and gave them self a million credits to buy cars and that with, which i agree should be banned! (lol...not us people that make copies of our games in case we damage them!)
Yeah been playing online with my copy mate, i just made sure i had a 0800 rip, and a decent burn by running the disk through Kprobe.

I agree peeps who cheat and mess with gamer score should be banned, but leave us honest pirates alone lol
been playing mw3 this weekend,kept getting dirty disc error,then burned at 2.5 speed all fine now..
when i seen the "dirty disk" error on forza me little heart sank and then i googled it and started to read some of the gut wrenching posts about being banned from the servers and then that's when the new drives were out (same day me thinks) so thought well I'll order one and a new 360 and play legit and that with forza, but you can't keep a good pirate down so burned GOW3 and that last night (had a massive update, see other thread) and she's playing now......it's cat and mouse ain't it......how ever i can't complain, was on line looking at me 360 account and that and the list of games is immense i must admit! *shucks*
It is cat and mouse mate but that's half the fun lol.

Like c4eva said though CIV has been a massive fail for Micro$oft.
yeah ain't it mate, i know this sounds mad but some times i think it's a big marketing campaign, call me mad, but last time there was like 60,000 xbox 360's banned and that was just before Xmas a few years ago, now that's quite clever in it's self as they didn't ban your account you new it was still there and all you had to do was go buy another 360 and then update it, and your back on line, OK so your saves and that were lost, i know it sounds crazy and those lame people who got banned were throwing there toys out the cot and saying stuff like "I'm getting a ps3" blah blah, well to be honest it's quite a good marketing strategy, ban 50,000+ machines, at least half of them will probs go out and buy another one some where along the chain, it's just with Sony quickly taking there "loop whole" down quickly when the ps3 became vulnerable, and then m$ not to really do much other than the odd ban now and then when sales of the machines and that drop makes you wonder.......just my thoughts like.........i know at the time it was a sad day for us M$ xbox 360 users and a happy day for ps3 users at the time, didn't take sony long to shut it down.......
Can't blame MS though really, they're out to make money and banning a load of consoles just before Christmas guarantees them massive new sales, tw@ts lol

Personally i think MS would be committing suicide banning people at the moment though, take my example of a bought copy of the Forza 4 game giving dirty disk errors, they're going to have to come up with a new strategy in my opinion.
i can't blam them and never have but it's a great strategy, just let the market get back up to a decent amount of "hacked consoles" and wallah, ban hammer, most peeps will be out sourcing a new machine, and if they just keep banning the machines, and not the accounts, it's like putting a carrot in front of you....well clever......just my opinion though, I'm sure they sit (like my self and run queries on there data bases) and whittle it down to what and who's doing what, systems at work and that all use mysql and query etc, so it's dead easy to do and (WE) know loads about what our customers do that they probably have no idea that we know certain things and what they do with there "online" accouns etc......
I buy and repair broken xbox's, from cash convertors, car boots etc, i've got 8 units at present, so if they do ban me i'll stick it on ebay, and get another one out lol