Xabi al"gone"so

It's getting bleeding ridiculous now , no one's safe just seems a mention of madrid and players are away. Galactico's my hairy arse load of overpaid money grabbing tarts if you ask me. I personally hope they win chuff all , so they're buying a team of superstars but who the flock's gunna win the ball back when they lose it.
Somehow think these are gunna be red hot sellers in Madrid next year.
I always want Real Madrid to lose, I hate their policies, they are the world's biggest player graveyard, yet still seems every damn player wants to go there.
I'm with DavidH on this, £35 million or go and fek, but I am resigned to losing one of our best players to a team of mercenaries.

As gasman said.............Its getting ridiculous now.
I wish you tell them to fook off pay £35 million or get lost Real Madrid are a bunch of cunts i hate them bastards

As for Xabi he is a top player and i think Liverpool would miss his passing ability should he go!

I just wish so much that Barca screw them in La Liga and in the champions league they face one of our teams (one out of the top 4 or maybe not Arsenal lol any of the other 3!)

Surely the way Real go around talking about players is tapping them up but then UEFA won't care though as its Real MADrid!
I always want Real Madrid to lose, I hate their policies, they are the world's biggest player graveyard, yet still seems every damn player wants to go there.

Youve hit the nail on the head there, personally i will be sad to see him go i for one do not think he will feature week in week out for Real, but money talks.
the real problem is the tax system over there they only pay 20p in the pound
here it is 50p in the pound
fookin big difference

if raffa doesnt get £35mil
say to alonso ok u either play to ur best ability or u play in the reserves

he would soon playor if he didnt then fine him 2 weeks wages and keep doing it every 2 weeks
sitting on his arse and not getting any pay would hurt
the real problem is the tax system over there they only pay 20p in the pound
here it is 50p in the pound
fookin big difference

if raffa doesnt get £35mil
say to alonso ok u either play to ur best ability or u play in the reserves

he would soon playor if he didnt then fine him 2 weeks wages and keep doing it every 2 weeks
sitting on his arse and not getting any pay would hurt

Player power is unbelievably big and if i am not mistaken can't players over 26 but out their contracts when there is 24months or less remaining on the contract?
Player power is unbelievably big and if i am not mistaken can't players over 26 but out their contracts when there is 24months or less remaining on the contract?
12 mths but xabi has still got 3 yrs

what i cannot see as a problem of real paying £35 mil is they say he is the best at doing what he does in the world ???
so pay the best price u tight twats
Player power is unbelievably big and if i am not mistaken can't players over 26 but out their contracts when there is 24months or less remaining on the contract?

Yes you are right nani 2 years left the contract can be bought out BUT Alonso's deal takes him to 2012 so they have to pay what the club value him at or come to an agreement.
Yes you are right nani 2 years left the contract can be bought out BUT Alonso's deal takes him to 2012 so they have to pay what the club value him at or come to an agreement.

right mate i thought he had 2 years left then i think Rafa should stick to his guns and tell the scum he is £35 million take it or leave it!

I surprising am backing Lafa for once lol!

Real Madrid are trying to make the end Barca's dominance but it will take more then individuals to do that! In the process of splashing millions they are trying to make the Spanish league the number 1 in the World again! Most players seem to want to go to Spain now which is unfortunate for the league! Hopefully us English teams will do well again the the Champions League and show Madrid what teams are about!

Can you imagine what is going to happen should they not win the league or CL next season?