Words that women say...

Nope lost me, so why do you think it funny?

Ok i wil explain
Original thread subject
" Things Women say"
Noodles replies " Im going for a shite"
Nara jokingly takes that as noodles woman (wife) saying that
Nara saying his wife is a bit more refined

Oh i hate having to explain a joke to someone who doesnt get it :)
In honesty i think you did but just like to be a willy ;)
Ok i wil explain
Original thread subject
" Things Women say"
Noodles replies " Im going for a shite"
Nara jokingly takes that as noodles woman (wife) saying that
Nara saying his wife is a bit more refined

Oh i hate having to explain a joke to someone who doesnt get it :)
In honesty i think you did but just like to be a willy ;)

I think summat else....

...but I'm being good tonight :)
Ok i wil explain
Original thread subject
" Things Women say"
Noodles replies " Im going for a shite"
Nara jokingly takes that as noodles woman (wife) saying that
Nara saying his wife is a bit more refined

Oh i hate having to explain a joke to someone who doesnt get it :)
In honesty i think you did but just like to be a willy ;)

Right I get it now, I was under the impression by his post Noodle was going for a crap not his wife.
As for more refined, come on Nara you were posting here not so long back about your other half peeing in the shower, more refined indeed.
Moving swiftly back to the topic...

...this scares the sh!t out of me.

"We need to talk"
"I have an idea"

Which is usually followed by "What if we....." (with the we normally meaning me)

and generally means;

A) I have to do something I really don't want to
B) It is going to cost me money and a lot of it
C) No matter whether its a choice to go out somewhere other than normal or knock down room a into room b I know my answer will always be "f***k off" (in my head)
I know I'll have to explain this but the route to keeping Mrs M happy is via her stomach, so I learned to cook.

Now, all is much easier :)