woohoo, did it again :)

I'd be up for some of that! How long a course n how much got any details?

Maybe you could run ya own course for DW members. LOL

id be up for this as i have a tele that when is turned on, there is a picture there but it is really dark to see exactly what it is. had the tele over a year now just resting against a wall.lol oh and i have a japenese remote control for it lmao
So what did you actually find wrong mate ? Was you testing at component level, did you get schematics for the boards ?

What equipment you got, i need someone with an ultrasonic bath to fix my keyfob.
So what did you actually find wrong mate ? Was you testing at component level, did you get schematics for the boards ?

What equipment you got, i need someone with an ultrasonic bath to fix my keyfob.

was basicly dried out capacitors in the PSU m8

equipment, hmmm, you musnt laugh lol

a solder station
a multimeter
an ESR meter

and thats it lol, like i said, most repairs are done in my kitchen, anything over a 32" is done in the living room rug (lots of things get done on that living room rug, but this aint the room for it ;))

i live on my own, so most of the time the house looks more like a workshop than a house, but i always clean everything away before the weekends, except maybe the odd telly or box that im half way through working on

@manutd4life, if its LCD, it sounds like an invertor board may have gone, quite common
How are you checking capacitors, does your ESR support that ?
How are you checking capacitors, does your ESR support that ?

first check is visual, i got eyes like a shit house rat, so can normally spot the smallest differences

ill ESR a cap in circuit, as my meter supports that as well, just a bit awkward with some of the SMD ones, so i use probes clipped to the ESR, when SMD ones go, they read massivly high resistances

i think i paid nearly a hundred quid for it
Thats one thing i hate replaing in SMD capacitors, too small for me.
i use a link that was posted in gen chat ages ago to search ebay, it only lists items that are pickup only, and within a certain radius of your postcode, i use this to find the tellys that are within 50 miles of me, as i work all over, pickup is not a problem as long as the seller can hold on to it for a few days

i then use a sniper tool to slam a bid of 25 quid in (or 30 quid for 42-60") in the last 2 seconds

75% of the time ill win, and if i dont, then it bumps up the price the seller gets for it :)

Thats a quality tip digi n e chance of links, you know I don't live within 50 miles so I'm not a competitor! LOL

first check is visual, i got eyes like a shit house rat, so can normally spot the smallest differences

That's my only issue, I don't so every thing takes longer but I do have plenty of patience.

What about a digi's dungeon section, your projects are always a great read m8.
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Well that sounds awesome. I have fired up ebay now! My mate has a broken 50" Samsung Plasma.

His HDMI port doesn't accept an encrypted signal... er.... watching a blu ray for example or using PS3, nothing shows.

We assume its a chip or board that decrypts the signal. Would love to fix it for him.
i know i`m jumpin in here i`v got a samsung lcd when you try to switch it on the screen is blank for about 10 mins then it comes to life what o you think that would be mate

do you get some clicking when its trying to turn on? have a look at the 3-5 capacitors by the heatsink. I had the problem and they were blown. £3 fix for new caps
Well that sounds awesome. I have fired up ebay now! My mate has a broken 50" Samsung Plasma.

His HDMI port doesn't accept an encrypted signal... er.... watching a blu ray for example or using PS3, nothing shows.

We assume its a chip or board that decrypts the signal. Would love to fix it for him.

That sounds like a setting in the menu or a firmware updrade more than a fault with the board. Have you check that the set is HDCP capable.
anyone ever come across this issue,samsung 40inch lcd when its first started it has a thin green vertical line on th eright hand side this goes away after 5 mins though ?
I had this on my 40" samsung A656 lcd it got worse after a few days and then wouldn't go away and screen went altogether only 5 months old screen had to be replaced under warranty.
I was an apprenticed tv engineer and used to work on valve tv's. Quite a dangerous job in those days as the chassis was metal and the valves took a full ac feed.
Things improved and the new technological breakthrough were hybrid tv's, these used a combination of valves and transistors. Within a year or 2 the valves had disappeared and we were using all transistor state and chip technology albeit that the tv probably had a motherboard and 4 or 5 daughterboards.

Faulfinding on these could be a tad tricky without the specialised "extenders" that the official dealers used, I was self employed.

I had more than 30 years experience in the trade at component level. I must say that my experience in tv, video and satellite repair has enabled me to repair most everything that has come my way, whether it has a plug or battery.

I am semi-retired now at the ripe old age of 54 but am still heavily in demand on the repair side and still like to keep my hand in. I'm not sure either that the trade is as lucrative as it was in my heyday. Video repairs were a great moneyspinner but they were another skill we had to learn. Repairs were usually around about 20% electronic and 80% mechanical.

I'm thankful to have learnt my trade before the plasma/lcd era where most things are modular and it is economically cheaper to swop out rather than repair.
The tv's of today are magnificent compared to the early days where you cut your teeth on the Philipps G8 convergence panel but I feel the skill of the tv engineer is quickly being diminished.

Well done digi and thanks for sharing that info mate. Who cares if the cabo scene is busted, you just shown that we can keep ourselves busy with stuff that isn't questionable =]
@ glic83 and maddog, this is a common thing (from what ive read) that gradually gets worse, untill the screen shuts down, but still backlit, and the sound is fine

the most common fix is 5 capacitors in the top right of the power supply, parts cost about 2 quid

it could be a different more serious problem, but this is a very common cause of multiple faults
@ glic83 and maddog, this is a common thing (from what ive read) that gradually gets worse, untill the screen shuts down, but still backlit, and the sound is fine

the most common fix is 5 capacitors in the top right of the power supply, parts cost about 2 quid

it could be a different more serious problem, but this is a very common cause of multiple faults

cheers for the info mate ill keep an eye on it,dont think its still in warranty bought it in currys around 2 years ago,if it goes ill have a look at changinging the capacitors