windows 7


VIP Member
VIP Member
Sep 9, 2007
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hey fellas
is windows 7 all sorted now. ie can it be patched so that it doesnt go off after a certain date? thinking of putting it on my media center as i hate vista
cheers lads
Build 7600 is the current version. It has been confirmed as the RTM via hash checking with the version on TechNet.

7 Loader v1.5r2 is one of the best current cracks. It can only patch Ultimate though. It uses leeked OEM keys so may fail WAT in the future.

(I've actually preordered 7 but wanted to play with it first.)
hey fellas
is windows 7 all sorted now. ie can it be patched so that it doesnt go off after a certain date? thinking of putting it on my media center as i hate vista
cheers lads

You do realise that If you buy it you wont have to worry about dogy patches that may or may not work.

I'm still using RC1 v7100, it doesnt run out till next June or July, but I pre-ordered my very own copy last month ago.
You do realise that If you buy it you wont have to worry about dogy patches that may or may not work.

This is primarily a hacking forum, he is looking for a hack.

I will probably purchase W7 in one way or the other, be it preinstalled or just buying it on its own but 1st I want to know that it will do what I want it to. I have the RC version from M$ but I also have the W7 RTM ultimate to try yet.
This is primarily a hacking forum, he is looking for a hack.but I also have the W7 RTM ultimate to try yet.

I'm playing with the rtm just now and I really like it. Like you I intend purchase it after it's on release. Much better than Vista or XP only one small niggle so far and thats the headphone jack on my laptop isn't working, but that'll just need a driver update.

I'm playing with the rtm just now and I really like it. Like you I intend purchase it after it's on release. Much better than Vista or XP only one small niggle so far and thats the headphone jack on my laptop isn't working, but that'll just need a driver update.


I must say bigman, it is about the best driver database for a release I have seen, I personally didn;t need to do anything as it had them all in there, not a biggy for yourself though.

Can I ask you if you cracked it or are you on the timer ??? (I have a few cracks to try but its getting the time to try)
Using w7ldr it's working fine just now. If you need it just let me know. I didn't need any drivers either just waiting for via t release a soundcard driver, speakers work fine though with the microsoft one.

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I'm on vista sp2 is it worth upgrading to 7 at the minute
I'm on vista sp2 is it worth upgrading to 7 at the minute

I have only tried the RC version (free fro M$). I was shocked at how good it was. I have tried Vista numerous times and always thought it was a CPU hog, but W7 was different, I liked it and it will be my next OS.

Wheteher it is best to upgrade to W7 from Vista, I can't answer that as I don't use and don' like Vista. Sorry.

lilttle_pob is the man though, he will know.
I use vista and like it, I thought i was missing something with w7. I have loads of Windows 7 activating Keys if anyone wants them.
I'm on vista sp2 is it worth upgrading to 7 at the minute

Well I have been using vista sp2 x64 and have it setup exactly the way I want it. I have dual booted windows 7 x64 and x86 on various mid to high end systems and I don't notice a difference between the them. If you have a lower end system it is supposedly quicker and more responsive. Windows 7 has DX11 and the new graphics cards form ATI are out next week that support it. I am sticking with vista as my main system for now.
The only drivers I've had problem with under Win 7 are those for my Asus Xonar soundcard. Using the Win7 beta driver caused 32bit applications to stop working(!) and the Vista drivers wouldn't install due to a hard coded path that doesn't exist in 7. The answer was to extract the Win7 64bit drivers from the .zip and point the hardware wizard to that folder, it means I don't have the Asus sound mixer at the moment, but it sounds better (at certain frequencies) than the on board with the speakers I use.

FWIW, the RC disappeared from the MS site on August the 20th. I believe that you can still get keys from them (if not they are readily available on the 'net as there are only a handful).

As for Vista vs Win7, on rigs that ran Vista without any issues, it'll largely be a personal taste. I've not found it any quicker on the Q6600 with 4Gb RAM setup, but the laptop running a T2310 and 2Gb RAM is noticeably quicker to boot to desktop, is ready to be used as soon as at desktop and comes out of sleep almost instantly. MS have stated that Vista will be getting DX11 (yes, DX10 exclusivity was a ploy to get people to switch from XP).
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cheers for the responses guys :) i dont really wanna put it on til theres a patch so i dont get they daily shut offs in the future, as its the missus that primarilly uses the machine and i dont want the flack when it goes off hehe, ill keep my eye out tho :)
I use vista and like it, I thought i was missing something with w7. I have loads of Windows 7 activating Keys if anyone wants them.

If you like Vista then you'll love Win7, it basically looks and feels like Vista but it's a lot nippier.

I'm running it on a Dual Core AMD64 7850 @ 3.0 Ghz with 4Gb 1066Mhz ram.
It runs much better on this hardware than Vista ever did.

It's what Vista should have been.
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the Vista drivers wouldn't install due to a hard coded path that doesn't exist in 7. The answer was to extract the Win7 64bit drivers from the .zip

Little-prob your a genius, after reading your post. downloaded a driver for windows 7 from via arena (not the right one for my laptop) and pointed to it in device manager and updated my soud driver, it worked, now I can use headphones.

running rc7 64 bit on my quad board, they have dine a good job with the driver database, I didnt even have to put my mobo disc in, it found every driver, I then checked evry driver and they where all the latest drivers for my board. Good job.
I have used XP on my main PC (Vista on laptop) since it came out but I bit the bullet and installed W7 a few weeks ago.

Some things I have (no winmail and especially the start menu) but on the whole I am very impressed and would totally agree with all those who say it is what Vista should have been.

I think I will make myself stick with it as even if we like it or not eventually XP will be a thing of the past.


PS I actually liked ME so that probably rules my views out.

I installed it today, and it is all working fine except for one minor issue.

I installed latest graphics driver for nvidia 8500GT and the screen went black and never came back on.

I went into safe mode, rolled back drivers, restarted with last known working configuration and it worked with old drivers again. Bit annoying though.

Apart from that, all going well. I might switch from Vista in a couple of weeks.
So, does anyone think an upgrade from vista or a clean install would be best? I will probably be buying when available