Windows 7 anyone using it?

I like the way you can dock windows to edges of the screen, and those post-it note thingies are so cool :), even paint looks better.

Even if M$ bloat it, you can always put it on a diet as with all M$ OS's

No doubt there will be a gazillion versions to purchase, still can't understand why they never make a version that is purely directed to gamers - they seem to leave it to us to tweak it oursleves

@karym6 - have you put it on a stand alone machine yet, i am still running on VM with 512mb allocated, still smooth as hell
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Strangely, the docking thing is something you have been able to do in Visual Studio for quite some time now.
been reading some good things about 7 especialy that it makes the most of dual and quad but before i try it on a stand alone pc is it just 30days use and is there any driver issues like Vista ?
Well, the driver issues were not a Vista/MS problem - they were down to manufacturers not making them available.

As for the time limit, I have no idea. The VM version does not mention a time limit, which makes sense as it is a beta version. Possibly, the open beta will have some sort of restriction, but that is purely speculation.
I have read somewhere it can use the same drivers as Vista so compatibility should not be a problem, so again if true, its what everyone says, this is what Vista should of been. I think it just uses a moded Svr2008 kernel.

30 day limit, there are ways round this.
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It wouldnt be modded, it would just be the same kernel...

I am also of the same opinion, 7 is probably what Vista should have been. However, I dont think Vista is that bad.
Windows 7 is supposed to support the same drivers as Vista, as they're based on the same code.

Also, Microsoft shouldn't be adding any bloat to the system from now on. They say that the beta is feature complete, meaning that there will be no new major features, just making the code more efficient.

I don't know if you consider the bloat to be things like Movie Maker and stuff, but these will now all be optional, and part of the Live suite, which you do not have to install, or you can just installed whatever parts of it you like.

Microsoft seem to be committed for Windows 7 to run on netbooks, so they are trying to make it a lot less processor intensive. So if your machine runs Vista well, then it should run Windows 7 even better.

As for time limits, the official beta will expire I think I read in August this year. There's also speculation that the final release will be around that time too, which wouldn't surprise me at all.

I got all this information from Paul Thurrotts podcasts, his website and random stuff from stumbleupon. If you're interested in it, you should check out Paul Thurrotts winsupersite website.

PS I am not sponsered by him or Microsoft :p Just passing on the facts I know :p
just installed the 64bit version on mine and must say im very impressed with speed of it, few niggles with getting lan and graphics to run properly but took 10mins and ok now.
compared to lappy with decent spec running vista its looking good.
where where where can i get a copy of windows 7???????????????????

this looks good
If you guys wait a while, it looks like the public beta will be opening soon. Once it does, then you can get a copy that hasnt been messed about with (not that all OS's on torrents and news groups have been played with...)
run into a few problems now, can't get Daemon tools to install or any software of that kind looked around on google and its a common thing.
7 has supposed to have virtual drives built in i cant find it so may be full release.
other then that its still bleedin quick even with all my crap put back on lol.