Windows 2000(sp2), sb5.1 and plexwriter issues



Hi everyone!

I need help with regards to configuring plexwriter and sound blaster 5.1 platinum devices.

When I install the Winoncd 8 software along side the Sound Blaster 5.1 Platinum drivers/software, Windows reports that rcenter.exe as created errors. This only happens on bootup.

When you close the message everything works including the remote control device on the live drive. No event is recorded in the events log. Apart from the message on bootup everything seems okay.

I have been in contact with both companies and they have more or less refused to help stating that the Plexwriter doesn't use any specific drivers etc and creative states that their software works on it's own and with other brands of CDR and they stated that their not here to support Plexster.

Any suggestions will be appreciated. :p
I have only tried the winonCd Version 7 and 8. I know that Easy CD with samsung, Nero with Richo combi etc all work fine. But I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and know away around it. I know that the error isn't a true error because everything still works, but it gets on my nerves when I boot up the system.

Any help appreciated! ;)