Win 10 Windows 10 Reviews Here

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yes m8 its not a big issue, all its left is windows.old folder with 2 folders in side windows/system32 nothing in them just the folders really weird!
yes m8 its not a big issue, all its left is windows.old folder with 2 folders in side windows/system32 nothing in them just the folders really weird!

That’s perfectly normal; when you restart your computer you can then delete the empty folder manually
seen lots of issues trying to remove them seems bit hit or miss no surprise their
yes m8 its not a big issue, all its left is windows.old folder with 2 folders in side windows/system32 nothing in them just the folders really weird!

I know mate, if your anything like me I hate old folders lying about, it sort of gnaws away at you
until their gone lol.
if you leave the folder alone Win 10 will remove it after 30 days

thats what i seen reported anyways
Windows 10 will remove the folder after 30 Days as alimac said its there just incase you want to restore to your previous version of windows