

VIP Member
VIP Member
Aug 29, 2001
Reaction score
:Hit: Just got me a Wii

I really wasnt going to bother going to Argos this morning as they only had 1 coming in at 8pm last night,and I thought it may be put on the system early and be sold by this morning.But I was up early so decided to pop over there and got it WOOOOOOOHHOOOOOOOOOOO lol
I wont bore u with the story but lets say I was lucky to get it ;)
Your always lucky too get stuff john lol,well done m8,you watch ya back with all that arm movement,you aint as young as you used too be LOL
Nice! just in time for the holiday, hold tight on that remote lol
jesus makes ur arms ache lol but wow its fun :) got some family coming over tomorrow going to have some fun with this ;)

is it wireless outta the box or do I need to buy something to plug into it (I know I havent read the booklet yet) lol
Its wireless as it is m80. Mine took a bit of setting up, but it was more to do with my router wireless settings rather than the wii.
just the one m8