wierd issue,ps3 with cfw-but nothing will launch


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VIP Member
Oct 22, 2005
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mate of mine has been buying iffys ps3s off ebay like there going out of fasion in the hope of getting one to jb,anyways he gets a 3.55 with a jiggered bdr driive-i tells him its ok bring me it and ill do the cfw for you(i have told him how but hes scared of braking anything)

done loads of ps3 now and this is the first time i get any thing like this.
updated to 3.55 kwean -took that update fine-installs multi man and various other apps n shit,

however nothing will launch all install fine but no manager/ftp server/psn game nothing will launch

does anybody have any idea whats going on here???
Could it have something to do with the bd drive? Heard it can complicate matters with certain faults.
did you install the bdemu file

^^^^^ This.

If the bluray drive is knackered/not working/not connected you'll need to emulate it. This emaulator isn't included in recent versions of Multimanager.

doesm multimanager even run?
yeaqh right i should have said the bdemu file is installed

it has no issue installing anything at all,but nothing will launch at all just bl;ack screen

ok its a 60gb launch model(ive done one before without this issue)
ive tried a new hard drive in it,tried rebuiling the file structure,reinstalled through recovery menu

as far as i can see the machine is running fine,with just the laser refusing to read anything

just that nothing at all will launch--all installs fine but will not launch

one differance i had with this over others ive done was the need to install the 3.55 kwean from recovery instead of through normal channel-never needed to do that before
Personally, i'd restore to the official 3.55 firmware then the CFW3.55 over the top of it.
Try installing lv2.pkg and then launch multiman.

same thing m8 installs fine,but will not run at all,gunna find the official 3.55 update and try that
well thats me completley puzzeled,still nothing,naught will run at all ,i dont get it
I read somewhere, can't remember where but it said that if the Bluray drive was fooked and you were emulating it using the bdemu file, you had to install the Lv2.pkg file via usb before installing the bdemu file.

Also I would have went back to 3.41 > 3.55 OF > 3.55 CF> multiman > LV2.pkg > Bdemu file.

Pain in the arse i know. but didn't sony release a firmware update that disabled the Bluray drive if the system had custom firmware on previously. 3.42?

you had to know the previous bluray titles that had been played on the drive to restore it?


post 11 & 12
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yeah, there was a way to replace the missing files required to play blurays, it was to do with downgrading - if u didn't back them up it stuffed BR playback... it's been a while, can't remember the procedure....