Who would cheat..?

Hardware bans are useless, anyone with average pc knowledge will fi it in minutes. ;)
I really dont see the point in hacking/ cheating its pointless and does not mean you are goosd quite the opposite!! I was accused of being a hacker the other night on our server and I am admin but the guy was stupid he kept running at me when UAV was on so I knew he was coming!!
And last night there were 2 guys on our server who kept bunny hopping and it tells you quite clearly on the load up screen and in game messages no bunny hopping so I kicked one of them then he came back flaming saying do you always kick better players than you I said no just people who cant read he carried on mouthing off so I banned him then his mate starts are they stupid slagging admin there will only be one outcome.
a run 3 counter strike servers and it's the biggest hassle in the game...always going in to spectate to watch other ppl playing it always spoils the fun of playing for my self as i never get to play a full map for hackers or just ppl being noobs for no reason what so ever,i don't see them as proving any point what so ever(not to me anyway)....scripts thats proving there point for them.
I used to love COunterStrike but haven't played it in years now: once the speed/wall/headshot hacks starting appearing on every game, I just gave up. Was always nice to see the hackers team ganging up on them sometimes, and blocking them for as long as possible: usually they would get the message and shag off.
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I think it is a waste of time cheating, where is the fun in winning something you have not accomplished yourself.
Nothing has come of the hardware ban yet. I left most online games because it was fookin up the fun. As for them playing on none pb servers i think you will find that none pb servers are there for cheat testing and admins that do allow cheating on thier servers. The fun for them is cracking pb servers, these days a switch ban wont even stop them its so sad that great games get fooked this way. Im now playing world of warcraft as the cheating dont affect me with it just now. Think if it starts in wow ill leave again which is so sad. there is farm bots and shit in wow but it dont affect me personaly so thats fine if they want there accounts banned thats thier problem. cheats are people with no skills to play a game, have no real life friends and are abbused. So they feel they have accomplished something by messing someone elses game play, sad lil cnuts