Who would be up for a Fifa 09 (360) League???

I've not downloaded it, I mean 'bought' it yet.

GT is mozzr if anybody wants me as a fwend.
Just go onto Fifa>Xbox Liove> Game modes> league>search>DW Cup

password "digital" and pick your team

i found searching DW Cup brought up no finds, so if you dont eaither, search DWC in the abbreviations search box instead and you will find it.
Right, been a bit quiet this week but ill be on tonight if anybody is around for some games!!
I finally 'bought' it.

To be honest, I still prefer pro evo 09.

The control system, the passing, shooting, just feels more 'right'.

Or is it just that I can't bleeding score!

Horses for courses I guess.
I finally 'bought' it.

To be honest, I still prefer pro evo 09.

The control system, the passing, shooting, just feels more 'right'.

Or is it just that I can't bleeding score!

Horses for courses I guess.

I used to only play PES, hated FIFA but i really think they have pulled their socks up on this 09 versions, I just can't get into PES now, just feels to jerky, FIFA has its annoyances like taking about 10 seconds to reuse the player after they are knocked off teh ball.

press shoot, then tap RB, this will place a shot in a corner, use your left stick to control where you want the shot to go.

Press shoot and hit LT for a driven shot, again, left stick controls where in the goal.

Just getting used to the controls,

If you're not already, jump in the league and practice makes perfect.

My biggest Pet hate with PES is the bomb noise everytime they touch the ball.

I'm sure if i spent some time on it I would like it but I just feel FIFA flows better.