white screens


Inactive User
Nov 27, 2004
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hi all

I have a ds lite and a g6 lite 4gb card i have not had anything running on it yet if i copy a game over to the card i can see it put it in the ds i can see it try and run it and all i get is 2 white screens any ideas
Yeah you've not patched the rom or the rom is not patchable.

If you are using a Supercard, then you need to use the supercard software to patch the rom before transferring it to the card.
Not sure which cart you've got (g6?).
I've a supercard micro lite and had white screens before upgrading the firmware.
Go to the card website and see if there's an update.
all sorted it was me being a dufus not copying it to the cart as i sould do for your info it is a g6 lite 4gb working brill now thanks anyway

Hi guys

I'm having the same problem as Gazzer.

I have bought a dslite with the additional hardware.

The SD card already had some games on it that work ok, but when I try to copy any ROMS over with the "Super Card V2.55C fo SD Version" program that came on the DVD with the ROMs, I get the two white screens.

The additional hardware was a SuperKey, a MiniSD supercard and two memory cards (pre-loaded with some games (that work)).

Trying to be clever, I got one for my second child, but to avoid arguments I got a different supercard (MicroSD Supercard). This card had nothing on it, but I am unable to play the games I copy onto that card either.

I could really do with a fast answer as this is an Xmas present for my kids :(

TIA guys.

Dave have you upgraded the firmware of the Supercard with the one that came with the new software? also if you use the new software you will probably have to redo the older games on ur Sd card as the new software is incompatible with older firmware (game saves)..

in a nutshell I'd say you need to upgrade the firmware of ur Supercard.

does the Micro version require different software/firmware to Ds/Lite?? i dont know ,.. sounds that way.
yep I agree, download the latest firmware (I had to do this to make mine work) and run it on your ds

remove the firmware update from the card after using it

then patch a rom (using latest patch software) and try it out
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yep I agree, download the latest firmware (I had to do this to make mine work) and run it on your ds

remove the firmware update from the card after using it

then patch a rom (using latest patch software) and try it out

does PP mean Perfectly Put? ;)
Oops missed missed this one on the first pass.

I have used both a mini and a micro suoercard and yes they do need different software. Roms patched by the micro software will not run on the mini and vice versa.

A bit of a pain as I have to keep a copy of all the original roms ! sigh ...lol
