Which software for navigo widescreen


Inactive User
Mar 24, 2005
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hi guys,

I know a lot of you have got this unit or the normal screen version, so which navigation software do you find best on it, i.e . easiest to install, all options working, quickest updating, best reception ?

Might need a bit of help as well when it arrives :blushing:
First s/w I used on the normal Navigo was MioMap. I do quite like that s/w but I couldnt get speed camera updates going.

Dead easy to put on

Supplied SD card comes with TurboDog. It is now v5 which looks better than the previous v4. Try it out, you may like it but lots of people dislike it.

Format of sd card is 2 folders


Within Mobilenavigator is the executable mobilenavigator.exe

Simplest way to use alternative s/w without any modding is to take an SD card (recommend you use a seperate one, leave the original one alone) and rename your satnav s/w beit MioMap, TomTom, MemoryMap or Route66 and call it Mobilenavigator.
The exe within the s/w you are using, rename that to mobilenavigator.exe


MioMap, directory may be called MioMap33 and exe is called MioMap.exe
Rename MioMap33 to mobilenavigator and MioMap.exe to mobilenavigator.exe

Put this new SD card in your Navigo, hit the Navigation button and voila, your new s/w should run.

Tomtom 6 navigator runs beautifully and there is a widescreen version of this available.

Tomtom is the preferred choice due to the speed camera updates I have for it.

Search on Navigo here and you will find posts by FatBoy and Rat. Thats what you want to see how to install tomtom.

If you want to play about with modding, check out cgsgaming or navsoon

Good luck!

I got a replacement Navigo and the damn screen protector got a big line on it. Makes the viewing really annoying. Im loathed to remove it but I have to. I am in desperate need to find a suitable replacement protector.
thanks pks for your input, miomap sounds good (and easy)
like you said, tom tom is the prefered choice but at the moment i am a bit lost with the method of modding the satnav.
I would stick with the turbodog if its any good, but i really wanted european maps as well and i dont think turbodog does them :(
probably going to try and install tom tom software, is there any particular version i should be looking for ?