Which laser lens.

Managed to pick up the lens this morning from the post office and removed the solder without de-pump thing

very simple didnt take 2 secs too do. took me about 30 mins to unscrew those tiny little screws to remove the lens!

didnt have driver small enough so i had to use a razor blade took forever!

Anyone who is in 2 minds whether to do this i suggest you do as it really is that simple!

ive got ms25 drive and its very fussy with the cheap aone disks wont play them or just freezes at points

guess ill have to stick with verbs for the time being
I put new lens in but got this message
"to play this disk put in 360 console"
It play dvd films but not xbox.
Is this a laser fault?
i bought from cd 247 but good comms with them and i put the lens in my working box and it was ok so its something else with dvd rom as it plays dvd movies ok .
There is tracking adjustment on the rods that the lens runs on but been trying to get that without any joy.
lokks like £35 for new one unless any new recomendations?
my 360 is on the way out again RRoD fixed but its starting to lock up all the time again

ive got another xbox there with new lens fitted in a ms25 (my broken xbox is ms28) but it only plays verbs and most of my games are aone disks

can i just take out the board inside the ms28 drive and stick it in the ms25 drive then switch them over so the working xbox will play the aone disks
my 360 is on the way out again RRoD fixed but its starting to lock up all the time again

ive got another xbox there with new lens fitted in a ms25 (my broken xbox is ms28) but it only plays verbs and most of my games are aone disks

can i just take out the board inside the ms28 drive and stick it in the ms25 drive then switch them over so the working xbox will play the aone disks

has no one got an answer to my question?
I would have thought so,give it a go nothing to lose,it`ll either work or it won`t.