Welcome Again

hi all

hi all

and thanks agian for all your hard work.Cheers rat, and im sorry for been a pian in the a*** sometimes.

big thanks


Hi Rat and all
for letting me in all I need to know now is how it all works so I can get the footy
Hi :)

read the Sticky from Dommac whitch includes the Keygen ;) its pretty straight forward :)
managed to make myself buy a freeview box to view interactive lets see what it can do...........
hi all i am feeling very special and have no idea what i am doing but cant wait to learn (thanks rat that reply was lightening)
hey dudes cheers for letting me into ur secret world lol
hello and thanks

hello everyone,and thanks reddevil for letting me in,now to work out how to do this right
hi and thanks, look forward to learning and maybe being of some use one day!:)
Hello everyone and thanks for letting me in reddevil. I know nothing about these boxes so I best start reading.
:Cheers: :Cheers: :proud:
hi all, its been awhile but its nice to be back..................cheers rat. :Cheers:
Hi Thanks

Hope to be able to repay the help once I'm up and running.

Here's to the best site on the web

Thanks for the access

Both reddevil and rat. Thanks for the access glad to be here :Clap:
Best Rgds Paul :Cheers: