WANTED nintendo WI

I've seen the Wii on Tazbar for £99.00 although I dont know if it's genuine or not. You'd need to check the trader out and do some research as to if it is. Although my mate said they had been selling them in Asda, and they still had stock. Well in our local Asda they did. I know Lasky's online do them, again you'd have to check stock.

argos do it for £179.97 with 1 game

ive just online checked every store in south east and west waled and none have any stock
just checked all south yorkshire non in stock could have picked one up and sent it
If your anywhere near Stockport There is a games shop near the market (cant remember what its called sorry) Had some left in stock yesterday cos they got a sign outside saying they still in stock.
argos in pollock had 90 delivered yesterday
and they sold within 1 hour
my m8 got 2 i never game me the tip off ..some m8
check this out

i have purchased 2 wiis today for a mate 1 from toys r us which is confirmed and i ordered one from Dixons which i await to recieve confirmation of. You just need to give it time as there is daily stock to be found!!!

good luck!

They are in stock on tesco. be quick thou as i'm sure they will be gone soon
ordered 2 from germany last night about 11.pm and received email 2.30pm today to say its been shipped.
[ame="http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B000UVI1G4?ie=UTF8&tag=wiifinder-21&linkCode=as2&camp=1638&creative=6742&creativeASIN=B000UVI1G4">Nintendo Wii Konsole - Wii Sports Bundle white</a><img src="http://www.assoc-amazon.de/e/ir?t=wiifinder-21&l=as2&o=3&a=B000UVI1G4" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;"]amazon.de[/ame]