DVB - PC Cards VPlug decryption questions


Inactive User
Jul 3, 2007
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OK, here's where I'm up to. I've had a Dbox2 for a few years now, but that's basically plug and go. My TT-1500C arrived yesterday and it's doing my nut in. I've managed to get a cracked copy of DVBviewer, and with the help of Bluemotion's bruteforce scan, I've got my channels. The unencrypted ones are fine. So I'm left with encryption to figure out.
I had a play with both Fenrir/Yankse and vPlug. Nada. Nish. There seems to be a consensus that vPlug is easier and more straightforward, so I'm focussing on that. I've sucked my currently working keys out of my Dbox, but that doesn't appear to be helping.
Although vPlug appears to boot up fine, I'd expect to see some sort of action in one or both of those top two panels -- presumably that's where the decoding action goes on? But I don't actually see anything. Is it possible because the channels currently in vPlug don't relate to my channels? Do I need to point it at my transponders somehow? Is there any logging place that I should look to figure out what's going on?
I'm getting crazy now. Help please!
DO you have vplug installed in the correct Plugins folder. I believe is shoudl go into the c:\documents and settnigs\all users\application data etc etc, andf not c:\program files\dvbviewer, this may make a difference.
Is Vplug actually running at all? Can you see it under the plugins menu? If so, check the monitor for what kind of messages it's coming up with.

EDIT: Heh, you wait for nearly two hours, and then suddenly two comes along at the same time. ;)
Yeah, it starts up fine, gives me the paths to the plugin, tells me the number of keys -- 20, the number of row, hundreds, and that I'm using an external CSA DECSA64_MMX (though I've tried them all, internal and external.) It then says DVB-V 0000, and just sits there doing nothing.
There's a box on the bottom status line that says EMM 0x0 B/s, so my sense is that the video should stream through this plug in and it isn''t doing so.
It is in DVBviewer/plugins rather than in /Documents and Settings/User/Applications, but I think that that has to be correct or it wouldn't start up. Also, I've told DVBviewer to use the CAM, so that's not it.
I'm stumped. Am I right in thinking that there should be text streaming through the top panel, because the top one just appears blank, and the middle one is greyed out. The details above -- which appear to be logging -- come from the bottom panel.
Edit: I just tried it in Documents and Setting/User/etc. It doesn't show up in there. The original location has to be right. I'm currently using 1.7.2 but I see 1.8.8 is available. I'll try that tomorrow.

I notice there's no reference to the Nagra stuff. I wonder if I need to tell it where to look for those files?
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Actually 1.9.5 is available now, I have it working in dvbviewer in plugins folder, Could it be that you are using a cracked version of dvbviewer because lots of people had problems with the dodgy versions.
You can skip reading all this and go on to my final post. I've got all these problems sorted now. Yes, paying the 15 Euro did the trick.
Yeah, it is a cracked version. I just wanted to be sure the damn thing would work before buying it. I don't think that's the problem though. The weirdness with the cracked version happens when your computer is connected to the net. At the moment, this machine is completely off-line.
Also, I think that if it was the cracked version causing the problem, it wouldn't actually run at all. (The plug in, that is. Or the software, come to that.)
The reason I'm using this crackeroony is because I can't get even remotely close to this using any of the other software. I can't even get to the scan stage -- or if I do scan, I get nothing. Quite a few of them think that my card is a DVB Nova. Those apps that I can scan in appear to have the transponder hard coded to the card. (I'm thinking MyTheatre, MediaPortal and ProgDVB.
Has anyone got any experience with any of these apps? Given that Windows (both XP and Vista (Pro/Ultimate all-singing, all dancing Pro) sees the card properly in its hardware, I don't understand why none of the apps recognize it.
OK, I've just sent them my 15 euros. Motherfuckers. I *hate* buying software. :Devil:
Another edit:
Although my paid for version of DVBviewer hasn't arrived yet, I've updated my version of vPlug to v. 1.9.5 and I'm getting closer to the truth -- not least because this one actually does a bit of logging. Here's how we currently look:
- No. of keys in v_keys.db: 20
- No. of rows in v_sids.db: 3693
- dvbviewer.exe - vPlug1.9.5.0
- vPlug's location: C:\Program Files\DVBViewer\Plugins\
- Working dir: C:\Program Files\DVBViewer\Plugins\
- FFDeCSA->KeySize:3200
- FFDeCSA->ParallelCount:64
- Using an external FFDeCSA module: FFDecsa_64_MMX.mdl
- No channel name was received...
- tps keys (size=6776 B) loaded.
ð{`¶ - Added PMT filter, pid=$081C
ð{`¶ - tp_id=$0001, SID=$047B, PMT=$081C
ð{`¶ - ECM from SidCache: $FFFFFFFF
ð{`¶ - PMT Pid =$081C, SID =$047B
ð{`¶ - Timeout… This PID is empty. Rescan...
î ðð¶ - Added PMT filter, pid=$07F1
î ðð¶ - tp_id=$0001, SID=$0504, PMT=$07F1
î ðð¶ - ECM from SidCache: $FFFFFFFF
î ðð¶ - PMT Pid =$07F1, SID =$0504
î ðð¶ - Timeout… This PID is empty. Rescan...
ù ðóüÀ¶ - Added PMT filter, pid=$07FD
ù ðóüÀ¶ - tp_id=$0001, SID=$03F3, PMT=$07FD
ù ðóüÀ¶ - ECM from SidCache: $FFFFFFFF
ù ðóüÀ¶ - PMT Pid =$07FD, SID =$03F3
ù ðóüÀ¶ - Timeout… This PID is empty. Rescan...
™ ðÍà ¶ - Added PMT filter, pid=$0111
™ ðÍà ¶ - tp_id=$0192, SID=$06CD, PMT=$0111
™ ðÍà ¶ - PMT Pid =$0111, SID =$06C
™ ðÍà ¶ - Timeout… This PID is empty. Rescan...
So, my feeling is that this problem may be related to my keys. What I did was, I downloaded the files, autoroll.key, autoupdate.key and softcam.key from my Dbox, and simply imported them via the key editing section in vPlug.
Am I doing something wrong here? Wrong keys? Wrong format?
Alternatively, I'm guessing that v_sids.db should contain channel/transponder information. And it does at the moment, however, I'm pretty sure that the stuff it contains comes from a default Satellite config and I need it to pick up my Telewest/Virgin Liverpool channels.
Any thoughts?
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Running commentary

OK, I can see why people recommend buying the app. Just as a word to anyone thinking of screwing around with the crack -- don't bother. The full application is well worth the money and I say this as someone who *never* buys software.
This was well worth the 15 euros though -- what's that, a tenner? Bargain!
The new version of DVBviewer is sweet as a nut. New version of vPlug is similarly sweet. However, I still haven't got the encryption cracked yet. I get this message:
- OP-Key is incorrect. Update your key.
Can someone tell me exactly which of the various Dbox2 keys I need to upload? I've tried autoroll.key, autoupdate.key and softcam.key. Is there something I'm missing here?
Perhaps someone could tell me exactly which key/s and from which directory I need to use?
All that said, I'm very excited. I think this is so cool. Much cooler than the Dbox, for sure.
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I got the keys from here, https://www.digitalworldz.co.uk/eXtracp.php and the manually added them, though I believe the softcam.key file from a dreambox also holds the correct keys.

Although vplug asked me for 5D01, It was only after I entered the 5C01 keys my encryption cleared. You may be best to try them all to get it right.
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Thanks, Ebro. I actually just stuck Yankse/Fenrir on and that made the whole thing work for me.

I'd been trying to do it by importing the various key files into vPlug, but I see other people talk about entering them manually. If anyone has clear instructions as to how to do that, I'd be interested to see them.

Also, there seems to be a facility that enables vPlug to suck the keys from Yankse. Does anyone have any idea how that works?
Hi Analpotato

Well I am using Vplug very sucessfully, Using MyTheatre instead of DVBviewer but theory should be the same.
You seem to have got vplug working all you need now is to load the correct keys into the software.
As said further up in this post if you are a donating mamber you can get the latest keys from the ExtraCP
If not and you have a dbox handy you can get the latest keys from there. Ensure the Dbox has the channels working and then on any encrypted channel press the blue button on the remote twice and you should get the Cryogenic/Sprotster menu. Now Prss the Red button. You should get the Nagravision menu up now. Press the green button to show public keys.
You should now get a screen showint Public key information

it will look something like this
N 5401 01 ******************
N 5401 00 ******************
N 5401 00 ******************

The number after the N will vary depending on your area. The alpha numeric code you will fine instead of the *'s above will be your key. I use the 01 key if this does not work try the 00 one. Write this code down you will need to enter this into vplug.

Now goto the computer running vplug and bring up the vplug window ensuring the software is tuned to an encrypted channel.
In the top window where it shows the ecm hex Right click with your mouse in this area
You should have an option near the bottom "Quick OP-Key editor" Select this option and type in the key you just got from the Dbox. Now press ok and the channels should all clear.

Thanks, Fibres. I'm not running the Cryogenic/Sportster image, but I managed to figure it out from your instructions anyway. I was kinda surprised because the autoroll keys show the nagra keys as coming from a different provider to the one that vplug was showing, but using your tip of actually right clicking and bringing up quick edit on the actual nagra itself, rather than going in via the seperate keys page and adding it there was what cracked it for me.

It'd be a pain in the arse to have to do it every time the keys change though. It also seems slightly slower and less robust than Yankse/Fenrir on my machine -- despite what everyone else says, so I'll probably switch back to that, but I hate not being able to get stuff to work.

Thanks for your help.