iPhone uk iphone3


DW Member +
Aug 9, 2010
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Hi I'm in Ireland
I know nothing about iphones, my daughter was given an iphone3 from her aunt in the uk we got it sort of unlocked it works for calls texts and and internet but can't get apps for it as it was registered in the uk.
we got her an iphone4 for christmas and I am going to try and use the iphone3 can I reformatt it and start from scratch or will it be back to uk registered is there a way around this or am I wasting my time
any help greatly appreciated
Thanks Kryton I will try that as I dont know how to jail break it and knowing me would probably break it
They are pretty easy to jailbreak and you can always restore with itunes if anything did go wrong.
how was the phone unlocked? If it was software unlocked then chances are its already jailbroke.
If you have a cydia app then it is
Thanks again Kryton
I will give it a go over xmas and let you know how it goes
Have a lovely Christmas
Hi Again guys
Happy Christmas to all
The old iphone 3 has cydia on it sinse september but I don't know what version, will it be ok to update it, or does it even need it? do I just follow how to get apps from outside your country link
Hi Guys
hope your all having a great night last day of the year and all that
I couldn't find my iphone charger so plugged it into the laptop, new firmware update came up so like the eejit I am I clicked ok now my iphone 3 is back locked on BT and I cannot get it off the choose language setting
Can anyone please tell me if I can reset to factory settings and will this get rid of BT or can I jailbreak it and will this open it, as usual any help greatly appreciated