UK News Two Arrests Following Pirate IPTV Investigation


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VIP Member
Nov 19, 2005
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A hitherto unknown police unit formed by City of London Police, the Intellectual Property Office and the North West Regional Organised Crime Unit, has announced two arrests in the UK following an investigation into pirate IPTV. The fledgling North West Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit says it executed five warrants and also seized electrical items, cash and counterfeit goods
New UK Police Unit Announces Two Arrests Following Pirate IPTV Investigation * TorrentFreak
Sounds like it is best to use a VPN for IPTV from now on then
That's what I thought initially but it seems that they are chasing up their clients/users if they have a list of their contact details or IPs.

In December, the Lancashire Police Cyber Crime Unit announced it would begin sending warning letters to around 7,000 users of the raided service, warning them that they should stop watching pirate services or face the possibility of prosecution.
I wonder if anyone has actually been prosecuted for watching illegal streams🤔
scare mongering thats what it's called. VPN won't save you because if you have paid using PayPal or one of the many ways or debit card the Police have your name and address. They can then send you a letter which they have done saying you have been using IPTV so unless you stop.......

Every now and then the Police do prosecuted a single user just to highlight and scare monger again.
Anyone remember Napster ?, single users been changed then slapped all over the net. It's a common ploy going back to Roman times and heads on a stick to show the town folk what happens if......

Bitcoin type payment and VPN 24/7
or piggyback
even coin payments can be traced unless you take many extra steps to make it harder to trace
but places like coinbase will give your details out in seconds
Many years ago, back when movies were released in America a couple months before they were released in the UK, I had downloaded "Revenge Of The Sith" a few days after its release in America off Pirate Bay. A couple of days later I got an email that I thought a friend had sent me to wind me up as it said it was from my ISP and it said that the American agency that chased up copyright content, I forget its name now, had told them that I had downloaded their material and that I had to delete it and all other copyrighted material from my computer immediately.

I sent a reply saying that as I was a British citizen in the UK that the America law and that agency didn't have anything to do with me, I may have added a few unlady like words as well 😇

Within a couple of minutes of sending my reply my phone rang and it was my ISP confirming that the email had come from them and that the British government had agreed to comply with the American copyright agency and that if I was found to have downloaded more copyrighted material then they would have to pass my details on to them and I would be prosecuted :(
scare mongering thats what it's called. VPN won't save you because if you have paid using PayPal or one of the many ways or debit card the Police have your name and address. They can then send you a letter which they have done saying you have been using IPTV so unless you stop.......

Every now and then the Police do prosecuted a single user just to highlight and scare monger again.
Anyone remember Napster ?, single users been changed then slapped all over the net. It's a common ploy going back to Roman times and heads on a stick to show the town folk what happens if......

Bitcoin type payment and VPN 24/7
or piggyback

Does that include free VPN i.e. Zen Mate from the Chrome store or Opera's built-in VPN?
Any , at the end of the day there not after you. If you make it ultra hard promise their not arsed.

When a drug dealer gets arrested they don't asserted all the users. That would be a waste of police funds.
But like the drug dealer getting nicked his users just go elsewhere
Phoenix from the flame
My tip for safety if possible

Use a VPN 24/7 never forget
Pay using bitcoin type payment (if possible)

At the end of the day, if the Law only have your payment details and not your IP then its up to them {if they want} to prove you have been using his services. You can pay then say you never used it as you found out it is illegal and you didn't realise.

You can send money to people you know, it's not legal. You might think 2+2 = 4 It does but again, it's not worth there time and effort to su you for £50 for your yearly sub.
Me if I got a letter ? I would either,
tell them to F off in a kinda nice way and carry on

or rip it up and ignore
scare mongering, it's what the big brothers use to suppress us mere mortals. It's easier to control people when they are in fear