iPhone Tutorial, speed up your phone and extend battery life on all devices.


Staff member
Dec 5, 2006
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ok, first off i have backgrounder set to have all my apps to quit and close when i exit them except ifile,safari,installous and my ipod app. i have myos installed and turned off contacts because they are in my phone app already, and voice control because i never use it. and multitasking. i have folderenhancer set with folder backgrounds off, folder borders off. This makes my folders respond immediately with no lag. I also have nolockscreen installed and that is just a preference, it saves battery in my opinion but not alot but some and i like to be able to go right to my springboard. its good for when im driving especially.I use multiflow to handle my 5 apps that i have enabled to run in the background, this allows me to control whats open. I use fakeclockup at 10x to speed up the phones animations, i find that it helps give a speedy feel to the phone. I have my spotlight set up to only see applications and thats it. You may want to eliminate spotlight all together if you never use it, this is good for people with 3g iphones from what i hear. YOu can get nospot in cydia to eliminate this. I monitor my memory pretty regularly. I normally run around 370 free with no theme and around 350 free with a theme applied with winterboard. You can use a app called ifullstat, its in installous. THis will free up more memory than sbsettings does. alot more. I also try to run themes that dont have alot of widgets. ANd lockscreens dont really apply to me because i dont care for them....well thats about all i can think of right now. Ill put down a few more beers and see if i can think of anything else.
ive never had my phone die before i went to bed, and i use my phone all day everyday.
I hope this helps at least a few people. If you have any questions ask away. Im always on!!
ill update this tomorrow when im sober for corrections lol. hope everyone is having a good weekend

I left out auto3g. This tweak is good for battery life also. It turns off your 3G when your phone is locked. Leaving you on 2g until you unlock your phone again. I'm constantly on mine so I don't have this but I have used it before.