VU+ Duo transponders ?


VIP Member
VIP Member
Mar 4, 2006
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only picking up one itv2HD station so not watchable ? got ten itv stations eight itv+1 all ok one or two missing
when i do a scan just brings in HD
only picking up one itv2HD station so not watchable ? got ten itv stations eight itv+1 all ok one or two missing
when i do a scan just brings in HD

what image? whos bouquets? update bouquets..
hasnt that vix image 3.0 build 808 got auto bouquetmaker in the image?if it has use that

menu /set up/service searching/

will be in there
yep tried that nothing in rats list two itv2 channels 1 itv2 snr 0% 1 itv2 HD 89% but obviously not working
menu /set up/service searching/auto bouquetmaker then configure it select your area eg granada sd select save then scan
used it yesterday no issues
If you have tried Rat's list, one generated by ABM, manual scan using recent satellite.XML file, then it suggests problem lies in hardware/alignment.
all sorted now problem was pin missing in the lmb i must have knocked it out when clearing the debris from it lol