Tottenham's White Hart Lane stadium plans approved


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Jul 28, 2007
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Tottenham have had their plans to redevelop White Hart Lane approved by the Mayor of London Boris Johnson.


The original White Hart Lane stadium was built in 1899

The Mayor had the power to overturn last month's decision by Haringey Council to grant planning permission for the 56,000-seater stadium.

But Johnson backed the council which means the £450m redevelopment of White Hart Lane will go ahead unless the government decides to intervene.

Spurs have also registered an interest in moving to the 2012 Olympic Stadium.

And with government intervention seeming unlikely, Tottenham must decide whether to press ahead with redeveloping White Hart Lane, which is called the Northumberland Development Project or pursue the Olympic Stadium option.

Rival London club West Ham are also interested in becoming tenants at the venue in Stratford after the Olympic Games end at the end of summer 2012.

After giving Tottenham's plans his approval, Johnson wrote to Haringey Council, saying: "I am content to allow Haringey Council to determine the case itself, subject to any action that the Secretary of State may take, and do not therefore wish to direct refusal or to take over the application for my own determination."
