Tosspot car drivers....

I ride sportsbikes , for pleasure not commuting
i drive to work , drive most of day company car.
The ONLY thing that creeps me out when i am on my BIKE is going past junctions with cars waiting to pull out ! Some drivers(old dug up kind) just have NO sense of distance/speed of a passing vehicle , especially them OLD fukkers who cant even walk never mind drive , with glasses on that are bigger than the windscreen ! I seriously think that an age limit should be put in place
maybe 21-70 ?

In the car , i ALWAYS look out for bikers and will pull over slightly if 1 is behind me . But the ONLY things that bothers me in the car .
17 year old drivers the cd player is dearer than the fukkin saxo it is in !! they piss me right off ! take the big bore loud sound off and the doors will fall off !
old doddering farts are way too indecisive to be alive never mind drivin ffs !!
also ... MWAY drivin i hate it !! i hate big lorrys in middle lane takin over another lorry in the slow lane (these battles can last 1 hour) and hold up the entire fukkin nation !!!
you cant get in the fast lane to take over cause sum bird is doin 50 mph puttin her fukkin make up on while writing her shoppin list !

ok im getin annoyed now so ill stop hahahaha

so you are saying that if i am in a car doing 30 miles a hour in a 30 zone and a motorbike is behine me i should pull over slightly so the motorbike can get by me doing 40 mile and hour in a 30 miles a hour zone would not the motorbike be speeding or if it is you would you not be speeding as 30zone mean 30 not 40 because that is when motorbike seem to want to get by you
if i had my way the only motorbike i would aloud on the rd would be used by police and goverment personal .
so you are saying that if i am in a car doing 30 miles a hour in a 30 zone and a motorbike is behine me i should pull over slightly so the motorbike can get by me doing 40 mile and hour in a 30 miles a hour zone would not the motorbike be speeding or if it is you would you not be speeding as 30zone mean 30 not 40 because that is when motorbike seem to want to get by you
if i had my way the only motorbike i would aloud on the rd would be used by police and goverment personal .

In effect YES. As stated in the Highway code,

Being overtaken. If a driver is trying to overtake you, maintain a steady course and speed, slowing down if necessary to let the vehicle pass. Never obstruct drivers who wish to pass. Speeding up or driving unpredictably while someone is overtaking you is dangerous. Drop back to maintain a two-second gap if someone overtakes and pulls into the gap in front of you.

If they want to speed, let them.... not your problem :)
so you are saying that if i am in a car doing 30 miles a hour in a 30 zone and a motorbike is behine me i should pull over slightly so the motorbike can get by me doing 40 mile and hour in a 30 miles a hour zone would not the motorbike be speeding or if it is you would you not be speeding as 30zone mean 30 not 40 because that is when motorbike seem to want to get by you
if i had my way the only motorbike i would aloud on the rd would be used by police and goverment personal .

Yes I can imagine David Blunket on a Fireblade being safe as houses !


so you are saying that if i am in a car doing 30 miles a hour in a 30 zone and a motorbike is behine me i should pull over slightly so the motorbike can get by me doing 40 mile and hour in a 30 miles a hour zone would not the motorbike be speeding or if it is you would you not be speeding as 30zone mean 30 not 40 because that is when motorbike seem to want to get by you
if i had my way the only motorbike i would aloud on the rd would be used by police and goverment personal .

hello .... u all there ??

i said I pull over slightly(being a bike rider)
big difference there mate .
sounds like if u had your way, this whole planet wud goto bloody pot pal !
what you need most of you is to take another driveing test motorbike dont have the right of way / sitting at traffic light they if they are behine you that where they should stay take your turn after all how about manners,secound of all the van on the road today to big, cant see though them rude drivers and most of the time are breaking the law van driver in 30miles zone 45 miles a hour on motor way overtakeing 60 miles a hour motorbike in 30miles zone same as motorway 90 miles a hour / oh before you say anythink took 2 driveing test pass both done 4 week course on how to handle a car van landrover lorry on slip pan on road with insruters map reading use of correct lanes on motorways 12 test papers on correct road use . and what i see of the drivers on the roads these day well 85% of you should not be allowed to drive out of the 85% is 65% van drivers

Oi bollocks, I try to drive as considerately as possible, yeah I go a little faster than I should sometimes but only when safe to do so.

I always indicate when changing lanes and turning corners, I always try to stay in lane on roundabouts and not cut people up, I try not to tailgate, I'll give way to most drivers but not the ones who try and fly down an open lane to jump in the cue at a set of lights or roadworks (and why should I, I always get in lane and join the cue as soon as I realise it's necessary.

The firm I work for has one or two unpredictable drivers but in general everybody seems to drive with relative caution and respect for other road users. I bet all drivers have made a decission at some point in the driving life an thought, "Oh SHIT" but as luck would have it a catastrophe has been avoided.

The point is White Van Men, Boy Racers, Bike Riders, Old People, Lorry Drivers, Bus Drivers, Women, Business Men In Company Cars, Skip Truck Drivers have all got bad reps, are you starting to notice a pattern here?

It's not about the vehicle that is being driven, it's about the driver/rider and the point being most people will say they are a good driver, well that's a matter of opinion, we are after all human and we all make mistakes the problem is there are many people who drive selfishly. Driving is stressful for any driver and you just pick up on peoples bad points when driving about doing your daily business.
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