*** Top Tips Section ***


Inactive User
Jul 1, 2001
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Dont throw away disposable razors. Keep them in the kitchen they are ideal for peeling potatoes !!
next time you have a party make all your guests swallow a small plastic disc with a number on it, making sure to keep a record of whos got what number. if anyone vomits, you will then be able to determine who the guilty person is and rub there face in it before passing them the cleaning equipment.
avoid losing contact lenses by drilling a small hole in each and attatching one to the other with a length of fishing line. this is then worn around the neck
pretend your on the jerry springer show by sitting in your dentists waiting room and punching the first person that comes thru the door
taxi drivers pls do this...when picking up a fair at 3am, try getting outof your car and ringing the door bell instead of hooting your horn you fat, sweaty, lard-arsed, crap music playing bum boys
managers at petrol stations..... why not hire a retired deaf idiot as your night time attendant and fit sound proof glass to the serving hatch. that way you are always gonna sell loads of six packs of toilet rolls and out of date sarnies instead of the 20 cigarettes that everyone come for!!
sprinkle cat litter on the sofa whenever granny comes to visit. this will alleviate smells in the very likely event of a geriatric leakage.
freshen up your mouth and remove even the most stubborn of stray pubic hairs after a night on the bearded clam by brushing your teeth with immac cream
buck.... you ok m8????


you seem to know a few too many of these !!!!!!
Give this guy a prime-time tv slot i'm sure plenty of people out there would really be interested in Bucks suggestions.
im only just starting

skiers, dont wipe your bum for the duration of your holiday. in the event of an avalanche this will greatly improve your chances of being found by a sniffer dog.
for the children out there..... for halloween sellotape two kittens together and hey presto....one big hairy spider to frighten the neighbours with.
having a pool party ? feed your guests beetroot. anyone pi55ing in the pool will then be easily identified by the crimson cloud hanging around them.
make your own smokey bacon crisps by slicing the sole of your nans slippers and frying it with the contents of an ashtray.