TM800HD being released today

Well if you have a TM800HD you will be able to release a user comprehensive user review as of the mora for all us customers who have placed orders like me and witchy.

I look forward to a good unbiased review. I in turn will give a unbiased on it when I get it Wednesday morn hopefully.
Well if you have a TM800HD you will be able to release a user comprehensive user review as of the mora for all us customers who have placed orders like me and witchy.

I look forward to a good unbiased review. I in turn will give a unbiased on it when I get it Wednesday morn hopefully.

When Digidude sends me one, I will review 100% honestly.
I have nothing to gain from favouring receivers from sites that i am banned from. It wouldn't make sense, unless you forget the site and and just review fairly.
This is all I have done mate.

If you dont want to see my posts, just add me to the ignore list in CP it's as easy as that.
If you dont want to see my posts, just add me to the ignore list in CP it's as easy as that.

Who said we didn't want to read your posts?

No need to immature about it.

Roudboy picked up on the same thing I did, all posts promoting the Spiderbox were 'Thanked' by you and all posts commenting against the TM800HD were also Thanked.

I've just noticed that you have started 'Thanking' other posts in order to balance things up. :)

Now, as an outsider looking in at this, it appears very suspicious.

Free box = Great Opinions.
Unreleased TM800 box = Slated.
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Yes its a great box, i have one do you?

Yes, I've got two.

Also have an array of TM's that I am very happy with especially the TM600 which has been faultless. Never had a bad technomate yet.

I've never had a Technomate in my life. I can't be doing with closed source thingies, too boring IMO.

But My anti TM800 propaganda as you would describe it was on the del dates being put off by 10 months to date.

Selective recognition? I think if you do a little back-reading, you'd discover it's a little more than a gripe with the delivery dates.

Now I talk to Digidude everyday about this

Fucking hell mate, that makes you REALLY special! :)

so know what I am talking about which is more than you do.

Obviously you do. As we can clearly see from your previous knowledgeable posts on the matter. You know nothing more than me or Roudboy.

Digidude posts any info as and when he receives it.
weather looks nice today doesnt it lads?
there is also a perfect breeze to cool my excessively oiled scalp,

It's sunny but cloudy up here, overall a nice fresh day. :)

I've got 2 and half hours before the guy comes to pick up my Dreambox 500. :(

After that, I'll be watching Freeview via an indoors arial - eek!
lol, I'll be lucky if I can see half of those channels mate. I'll be using an internal arial plus there is a big fook-off block of flats just along the road from me that lowers the signal.

I'm praying Digi get's his stock today. :)

All those channels are streamed live, just go to link and choose channel.
Runs seamless on pc or connect from pc to tv.

It's free and no sw needed.
Yer I just noticed that, thanks mate. :)

I'll just sit the kids down infront of BBC iPlayer on the PS3 or Wii and I'll gt drunk until Wednesday. :)
TM could pay some momey together with IT GATE....To the real OWNERS PLI and ask them for Help ....Only like that i could beleve in real developers. and succes ..

this statement i massivly agree with

most people know that the big name teams dont do it all for free, and the PLi team know the openPLi source better than anyone
I'm picking up my supply first thing tomorrow (Tuesday) Whoo Hoo!! :banana: :Clap:
lol, I'll be lucky if I can see half of those channels mate. I'll be using an internal arial plus there is a big fook-off block of flats just along the road from me that lowers the signal.

I'm praying Digi get's his stock today. :)

You can get freeview here mate get some chairs round the computer/laptop LOL

TVCatchup - Never Miss A Show Again

Who said we didn't want to read your posts?

No need to immature about it.

Roudboy picked up on the same thing I did, all posts promoting the Spiderbox were 'Thanked' by you and all posts commenting against the TM800HD were also Thanked.

I've just noticed that you have started 'Thanking' other posts in order to balance things up. :)

Now, as an outsider looking in at this, it appears very suspicious.

Free box = Great Opinions.
Unreleased TM800 box = Slated.

I could have quoted multiple posts but randomly picked this one,
If I remember correctly Manic was eagerly anticipating the arrival of the TM800HD just the same as all of us, ( 9 or 10 months ago ) and has become more vocal about the delay in release of the box ( as we all have ) resulting in a more slating view/opinion which i also have done....

OK manic may (or may not) have got a free box from a rival forum, nothing wrong with that, actually a brave move from the supplier on the other forum, think about it,,,, he gives a box to a (assumingly) banned member of the forum knowing full well that he's a very active member on a rival forum with affiliations to a rival box... now if that box hadn't been any good it would have got slated BIG TIME... looking at the facts, the spider has been widely available for some time, it has most of the features of the promissed tm800 its cheaper than the tm800..... and i even think the supplier throws in a free "gift" OK ITS NOT LINUX but at the end of the day, if it works and does the same stuff (almost) SO WHAT.....I for one dont think i'l be buying a tm800 even though I have been waiting with baited breath for it to be released but it just seems like too little too late... unfortunately as I have supplied many tm600 receivers to many happy customers here in Ireland, but I will reserve final judgement until all the facts are in..

just my twopenneth..
Now then, I'm not slating the Spiderbox, far from it!

From what I've been told it's a really nice box with great potential, the gift however is just a sales gimmick and should be ignored when commenting on it.

Even without the gift it still appears to be an excellent HDTV box and I fully intend to get my hands on one and have a play, especially as the price is so superb. If Darkman has done 1 thing correct with the box, it's his price point. I can see the Spiderbox becoming very popular.

I only hope that he sticks to his word and ensures the box is fully supported for years to come and not just until his Korean manufacturers show him the next Big Thing.

With regards to Maniac01 being banned from Als at and Darkman taking a great risk in allowing him to review a box, well yes it would be a risk IF Bobi took anything whatsoever to do with his forum!

The forum is run by his over anxious Mods, far too keen to ban anyone who dares question, criticise or say even anything good about the competitions hardware. If you say you like the TM6900 then you find yourself banned for 'Advertising'.

IMO, Bobi should have some stern words with his Mod team, they are doing his forum and his business no favour whatsoever.
Now then, I'm not slating the Spiderbox, far from it!

From what I've been told it's a really nice box with great potential, the gift however is just a sales gimmick and should be ignored when commenting on it.

Even without the gift it still appears to be an excellent HDTV box and I fully intend to get my hands on one and have a play, especially as the price is so superb. If Darkman has done 1 thing correct with the box, it's his price point. I can see the Spiderbox becoming very popular.

I only hope that he sticks to his word and ensures the box is fully supported for years to come and not just until his Korean manufacturers show him the next Big Thing.

With regards to Maniac01 being banned from Als at and Darkman taking a great risk in allowing him to review a box, well yes it would be a risk IF Bobi took anything whatsoever to do with his forum!

The forum is run by his over anxious Mods, far too keen to ban anyone who dares question, criticise or say even anything good about the competitions hardware. If you say you like the TM6900 then you find yourself banned for 'Advertising'.

IMO, Bobi should have some stern words with his Mod team, they are doing his forum and his business no favour whatsoever.

Can you stop changing your fookin username it's makin me dizzy :Fish:
I for one dont have any problem with manic01 as I do like reading his posts. All I was pointing out is that it was begining to look like another pro spiderbox member and anti everything else.

He and others have stated he is not and thats fair enough I accept this fact. I for one might take another member up on his offer for a spiderbox then see how I like it then give my review on it.

I just cant go the massive intake of members we have had of late with pro one and down with the rest. Thats not what we are about on here.

@ bobi. If your forum has banned Manic01? wft are you playing it at allowing a guy who is still able to give your stuff a quality review even tho he is banned?

surley if what is said about him then thats the kind of guy you want on your forum.
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