TM Statement (TM-2T-OE )


VIP Member
VIP Member
Aug 29, 2001
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Thought this oght to be shared with our members, this was PMd to me this morning by a member

TM-2T-OE { NOT FINISHED YET }{ Not for sale any where }{ not complete hardware }
Contacting TM today this is what they told me .
TM has apologised deeply for their mistake and asked all members not to waste any more time on this unfinished sample
TM-2T-OE { NOT FINISHED YET }{ Not for sale any where }{ not complete hardware }
It was a very bad mistake from tm selling only one receiver which was stupid mistake. nothing sold after or before
And is not for sale to anybody yet .and not send to beta testers yet as is not finished yet.
is not good for any use, only good for internal use in tm lab
It is totally pointless to write anything about or make any comments totally waste of any body’s time.
This tm2t which has been tested in this forum is a handmade sample also beta unfinished image was downloaded for test
Also condition of box no good as it is handmade full of marks and hand print wrong packing Etc, Not made by robot.
not ready for sale and has power sully problem which can create too many bugs.
Example it is very hissy and drawing lots of current, tm already asked the buyer to return it for full refund, no reply yet,
Will not do deep stand by it will re boot and many more problems.please do not waste your time writing any more?
Once proper manufactured box is out then any body’s comments is valid until then totally pointless,,,
Main stock released time possibly by end of august.
i think admin should delete full history of t2t it is pointless talking about or writing about it,
i think admin should delete full history of t2t it is pointless talking about or writing about it,
says it all for me.
Another waste of time thread about a box that was doomed from the start.
Still, all those faults didn't stop them selling their other boxes