tm 1000 series patch 24-05-06

dave_c said:
ok no probs have reloaded it in prev post

silly question , but you are using winzip to open it are'nt you ?

LOL, wel i'm using WinRar which also opens up .zip files as well... as far as i know i've had no problems opening .zip files with WinRar before i'll try open it again.



EDIT: Works now dave cheers for that used WinRar no prob's, not sure what happened but whateverit was it worked. Gracias :)
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@ Dutcho
I it may sound silly but you have also patched it as well as also using the softcam as well?
This is what's been talked about and thought of just adding it so that it might help ya?

Hope that helps.

@ fusion

nice one m8 glad you got to get it open in the end

@ dutcho

all i did was load the patch and all that should have opened did , obviously with th eexception of multi , tps and cabo , ive never used th esoftcam so afraid cant help u on that one m8
if any 1 is having problems with d+ this softcam will fix it