Time for a url and password change ?


VIP Member
VIP Member
Aug 29, 2001
Reaction score
I have spotted 2 members twaithe & navalcelts in this room both have not been given permission by myself or reddevil as they are not on the list :(

Im going to chat with Admin get a new url and password and we are going to be strick

if u are a donated member u have the Xtra CP anyway ;)
Im not familiar with this forum ( the admin side of things, ive been here a while ) and ive only ever been an admin on free VB forums but would it be possible to add the members who have permission to access this room to a specific usergroup and assign only the usergroup permission to access this page so there would be no need for a password or url and the room would be visible to only the members in the usergroup.

Just a suggestion, no idea if it would work.
Falkirk_Bairn said:
Im not familiar with this forum ( the admin side of things, ive been here a while ) and ive only ever been an admin on free VB forums but would it be possible to add the members who have permission to access this room to a specific usergroup and assign only the usergroup permission to access this page so there would be no need for a password or url and the room would be visible to only the members in the usergroup.

Just a suggestion, no idea if it would work.

u havent seen how many user groups we have lol
Does this mean the "role" of the room changes? i.e. a smaller subset is getting access, or have I got the wrong end of the stick.

Surely you could have stern words with the two involved - saying they don't have permission (so who did they get it off), and need to "earn" access before they come back in (otherwise they'll be ejected from the forum). After all unless you find out, it could happen again.

Maybe its something like
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will you send the new password and url to the members who have access or will we have to pm you.
i take it the internet update dump will change as well. cheers joe:Cheers:
nix9 said:
Surely you could have stern words with the two involved - saying they don't have permission (so who did they get it off), and need to "earn" access before they come back in (otherwise they'll be ejected from the forum). After all unless you find out, it could happen again.
I have PM one as he can recive PMs but the other has 1 post and cannot recive :( Ive had no reply as yet
its not been decided how it will be run yet Im thinking on it now m8 but i cant think of a way it will be syopped compleatly :( as anyone can leak it
Ill keep thinking ;)
Maybe its a case of biting the bullet and setting permissions on a per user basis to get into here - otherwise the new password/etc could be leaked!

Alternatively if it is a URL &/or password change, maybe regular visitors here need to keep an eye out for who's visiting - though I assume those who are not supposed to be here don't post (and maybe even have "invisible" set up?)
it must of been luck , l cant see anyone passing on the password unless its a banned member login back on as a new member ???
i have just set there permisions to no
see if that stops them
if we find out who gave them the password we can strangle them with a cordless phone lol

you could change the password as it is quite easy to guess and only send it to the people that should be on

fspm said:
if we find out who gave them the password we can strangle them with a cordless phone lol

you could change the password as it is quite easy to guess and only send it to the people that should be on


agree with u m8

but i would use a corded phone to strangle


:Cheers: :Cheers: :Cheers:
I must agree with the last two comments the password is far to easy it should hard enough that it cannot be rememberd.
There must be away of blocking the members that have not got access as when banned from site.

CASTLE said:
I must agree with the last two comments the password is far to easy it should hard enough that it cannot be rememberd.
There must be away of blocking the members that have not got access as when banned from site.


there is you set banned usergroups or not logged in to "cannot view thread content" so the non member will need to be a member to physically read the actual posts in the threads. all they will see is thread titles and sub-titles.

im quite familiar with vb as i run the same thing and theres always a way to combat nobs!

The guy with 1 post must have surely known he shouldnt have been here & maybe wanted to be seen ?
Iv just pm'd Rat , as there's currently an 'active' member in this room with 0 post's : shocked2

al pacino said:
Iv just pm'd Rat , as there's currently an 'active' member in this room with 0 post's : shocked2

I got ur pm al pacino ;)
I see him in there yesterday too but Im not 100% sure if he is reading the roon or he is on the password page I am looking into it now m8 ;)
Rat said:
I got ur pm al pacino ;)
I see him in there yesterday too but Im not 100% sure if he is reading the roon or he is on the password page I am looking into it now m8 ;)

lets see if he tries 1, 2, 3, 4, .... How long before he gets in ;)
nix9 said:
lets see if he tries 1, 2, 3, 4, .... How long before he gets in ;)

well using a password failed for me on my board because its too easily accessed and passed around between bum chums, so in the end i created the forum parents that i wanted and set certain usergroup permissions to no. and then made a usergroup called somet like no limits account and once paid via paypal allowed auto access np. its a very secure system and cannot be penetrated to my knowledge and vb's knowledge. something ths forum should consider indefinetly.
