Tight chest - self diagnosis.


Inactive User
Nov 16, 2004
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Anyone relate?

For the past week I have had a tight feeling in the chest and a feeling of breathlessness. Also felt more tired.

I also noticed that recently I've been bringing little pockets of gas up. Normally I just burp, like a man's beltch, but these are little hikup things. So I thought, bingo, I've got trapped gas in my chest.. why??

So looking it up I've found that if you have a lack in magnesium, your esofigas doesn't function as it should and so you get trapped gas in your chest causing a tight & breathlesss feeling too.

Apparently, if athletes (by no means to I consider myself an athlete btw) have a lack of zinc and magnesium, you feel tired and lack testosterone, seeing as I have felt tired and my Ben Dover DVD collection has been gathering dust, I think this is the issue.

ZMA time.. This fitness thing doesn't half have its pitfalls. Suppose if my diet was spot on I wouldn't have the issue, but it isn't like I'm some junk food monster.
Self diagnosis via the internet is a very dangerous game. If you have any health issues you should consult a doctor.
As nara said m8, better to see a doctor just to be sure, your health is everything. I have to get test's done myself in the morning (which i'm not looking forward to) but the doctors know best.
It's alright boys, I know my limits and don't fear death!
Self diagnosis via the internet is a very dangerous game. If you have any health issues you should consult a doctor.

Hes right, ANY tightness of the chest with sob (shortness of breath) should be checked out asap. Could worst case here be beginning of a MI (Myocardial Infarction), this is usually accompanied with pain though but NOT always.

Best thing to do is get it checked mate, look at these footballers in their prime who suffer this fate :(
Well, thanks for the advice lads, it's exactly what I would reccomend to anyone else - but I reckon I know my body quite well. I think if there were more people passing through this room then you might find it was quite a common occurance!

Was bringing up the windy pops a lot last night and the tightness is a lot better. Also got some mag/zinc complex from H&B, ZMA wasn't on offer.

I think I would only go the docs if my head was hanging off my kneck, I haven't got a wife or kids to think about so feck it. Think there has been a pressure for a few years now to feel guilty about making docs appointments for every little niggle.
For the record, it seems to be sorted now. Thinking on though, this is just something I am used to doing so PLEASE DON'T ANYONE ELSE DO THIS!!! I guess you can't take any chances with chest tightness etc.

I'm 90% sure it was what I thought it was, but I have been under a lot of constant stress recently and it could have been something to do with that. If it does return then I will get it checked out.
Sorry for the weird posting, I didn't want it Googleable!
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