Think i bricked me 1st liteon


Premium Member
Premium Member
May 18, 2005
Reaction score
yeah so wasn't concentrating, lol, and think i bricked a liteon

Target f/w saved as: Lite_CFW.bin

Sending Lite-On-Erase request to port 0x1860..............

Drive returned Status 0x0......

Serial flash found with Status 0x72

Manufacturer ID: 0xEF
Device ID: 0x11
Flash Name: Winbond/NEX(W25P20/NX25P20)
Flash Size: 262144 bytes
Getting Status from port 0x1880
Invalid Status 0x30

Sending Lite-On-Erase request to port 0x1880..............

Drive returned Status 0x0....................

Device Intro failed!
Sending Vendor Outro to port 0x1880

i can get back into the drive and i know it should have said other than that winbond stuff, it's one of the old liteons so have the keys and that saved using an extractor in 707....

have a gooshed it?

EDIT Sorted, atro the device and then just wrote and it's worked thanks....

whilst i'm looking at it is it some thing to do with tray not half open, i did do that and then kinda pushed it in a little more by accident and then pulled it out a little before opening JF....

just wondering what the stuff in bold is as it should have reported back something else (as shown in JF PDF)

Manufacturer ID: 0xEF
Device ID: 0x11
Flash Name: Winbond/NEX(W25P20/NX25P20)
Flash Size: 262144 bytes
Getting Status from port 0x1880
Invalid Status 0x30
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Spooky isn't it, well atleast it is the first time you do it, lol.

Well done dibbs.
lol, thanks man, and the last i hope, there's nothing worse than looking towards the moon and thinking "why didn't i say no when they asked me" .....